Toad to Redemption (Unedited)

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It was a sunny day in Wartwood,Mayor Toadstool was walking around town.

" Just breathe in that country air Toady,I can't believe I'm saying this but this towns kinda growin on me," Mayor Toadstool says waving to Loggle and Maddie.

" Okay sir item one,there are some pop holes down on six that need filling but the only money we have left is supposed to buy us that swanky,new jacuzzi," Toady spoke as he looked at his clipboard.

" Hmm,you know what Toady,you go ahead and fill those holes," Mayor Toadstool says walking ahead and leaving Toady in shock.

" Who are you and what have you done with my beautiful Mayor! " Toady yells to Mayor Toadstool's face.

" Get a hold of yourself Toady,it's just thay ya know ever since we saved a couple of lives at Toad tower people been seeing me a little different and frog dang it its been rubbing off on me," The Mayor said just as he saw two frogs struggling to put up a stand.He quickly went over to help,ordering Toady to pull from the other side until they put the stand up.

The frog thanked him as others gathered and started to praise him for helping out.

Suddenly,a carrage pulled in as guards stood outside the entrance.A newt hopped out in fancy attire walking towards the group.

" Mayor Toadstool I presume?I am Jusinda, official emecary of newtopia.We have come to discuss,the events of Toad tower," Jusinda says.

-In City Hollow-

" Why sure,I-I may have been at Toad Tower that day,but I had nothing to do- " Mayor Toadstool was cut off by Jusinda.

" Let's get right to...THE POINT! " She starts stabbing a knife into the desk,she then pulled it up and cut open a letter.

" By order of newtopia I hear by decree that Mayor Frodrick Toadstool has been appointed the new,Head Toad of Toad tower! " Jusinda read aloud as the guards popped mini confetti.

" HUH? "

" With Captain Grime gone we need someone we can trust,and from what we've heard your the Toad for the job," She explained clapping her hands which prompted the guards to bring out a chest,they opened it to reveal riches and jewels.

" Frog in heaven..."

" Right?A lot of money,even had to dodge some bandits to get it here safe and sound.Anyway,this money is for rebuilding Toad Tower but who's to say that's all it's for hmmm?So pack your bags,we leave at sun down," Jusinda finished about to leave the room.

" Wait leave?As in leave wartwood? "

" Uh ya,you didn't think we were going to build the tower here,did you? "

There was a pause.

" Uh ya,hypothetically what would happen if I refuse? " Mayor Toadstool asked.

" You'd find yourself rotting in one of the deepest,dankest dungeons of all of Amphibia.Hypothetically," Jusinda answers.

" He accepts!He accepts! " Toady says quickly.

" Great!The job is yours,pending and evaluation,toodles! " Jusinda says leaving.

" Sir!What in frogs name are you doing?A gig like this is all you've ever wanted!Just look at our vision board,look! " Toady yelled revealing a board of their future plans.

" I know I know,it sounds crazy but wouldn't you miss this place if you left? " Mayor Toadstool questioned.

" We are NOT having this conversation,if you'll excuse me,I have to go pack all 800 pairs of your silk pajamas," Toady said leaving in a fuss.

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