Truck Stop Polly

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The Fwagon was moving along a dark and spooky trail at night,there was fog all around and creatures stirred in the night.Everyone was a bit creeped out and nervous,Polly who was inside the Fwagon,stared out into the foggy forest.

" Sure is spooky out there,oh hey is that Mrs.Croaker? Oh false alarm,it's just some kind of,what the-AAA " Polly screamed as a creature slithered to the window frame of the Fwagon and roared at her.

She quickly closed the curtains and hopped away from the window.

"Man,look how far we are from home,it's a big scary world out there,kinda makes a little tadpole like me feel small...and scared.Well hey!Maybe some story time will help me take my mind off it," Polly said hopping towards the books to pick one out.

" Hmm,this one,HOP POP! " Polly said jumping on Hop pop who was sleeping,he jumped out of his sleep in panick.

" Heh?What's wrong,we drivin off a cliff,I knew I shouldn't let Anne drive! "

" No Hop pop,everything's fine,I was just thinking it was a perfect time for story time! " Polly explained holding up her book.

" Sorry Polly,but no,I was up all night drivin and I really need to sleep " Hop pop states.

" Pwease Hop pop," Polly begged giving Hop pop puppy eyes.

" I guess one little story couldn't hurt,hop up little Camper," Hop pop says as Polly hops beside him.

" Here we go,Fergus Frog finds a- " Hop pop's head fell backwards as his eyes closed and he began to snore,it was obvious he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Polly tried to wake him up,but when she couldn't she hopped down and left with her book.

" Man this road is treacherous,thank goodness I've got you guys," Anne says.

" Still trying to figure out where we're headed to next, " Y/n said observing the maps Hop pop left out,she also had a few books on the local wild life with her.

" Don't mention it,now let's see,looks like there is a sharp turn coming up on the- "

" Sprig guess what time it is!Story time! " Polly yells bursting out from the Fwagon.

" Not now Polly,this stretch of road is dangerous and- "

" But it's a pop up book! " Polly said opening the book,a large pop up hit Sprig in the face which caused him to loose his binoculars and map.

" Sprig which way? " Anne questioned,Sprig tried to guess which way without the map causing Anne to swerve from left to right.Y/n dropped her guide book as it tumbled into the woods,the bump also caused Polly to drop her book in front of Anne's face as the Fwagon swerved more.Anne quickly moved the book and stopped Bessie before she hit a spiked vine tree.

Everyone sighed in relief.

" What in tarnation!This is what I get for letting you kids drive! " Hop pop yelled.

" What no!This wasn't our fault! "

" Ya,ya!Whatever,you four,inventory duty! " Hop pop said pointing inside the Fwagon.Anne,Sprig and Y/n went inside the Fwagon annoyed as Polly stood there while Hop pop drove.

She sighed," so much for story time,well there's always bath time!Hugs and scrubs at the same time whoo! " Polly said hopping in the Fwagon excited.

" Now remember kids safety first," Hop pop said falling asleep and falling off his seat as the Fwagon hit a bump.

Anne,Sprig and Y/n were counting the supplies when Polly jumped from the stacked pile with her bucket full of water and bubbles.

" Boom I'm filthy! "

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