Barrel's Warhammer (Unedited)

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" So,the disgraced Captain Grime called this counsel meeting?Does anyone have any idea why? " Captain Bufō,Lord of the East Tower,asked crossing his arms.

" Maybe he wants to be surrounded by friends when he gets arrested,what do you think Aldo," Captain Beatrix,Lord of the West Tower,mocked looking up at a toad in the higher seat.There was no response from him as a bug went into one eye and out the other.

" Uh is he asleep or dead? "

" Definitely smells dead," Beatrix joked causing every Toad in the counsel,except Aldo,to break in laughter.

Meanwhile,behind the stage curtains
Peeked to a familiar toad.

" Not exactly a welcoming crowd," Braddick says closing the curtain.

" Especially that Captain Beatrix.What's her problem? " Percy asked.

" Her problem is that she's my sister,and that I may have teased her quite a bit when we were tadpoles," Grime explained causing Percy and Braddick to instantly give up and panic.

" Enough loser talk,we can do this.Just remember what we practice and keep your eye on the prize," Sasha told them,promoting Percy to paint an eye symbol on their capes to symbolize they were a team.

" Nice one Perc,now come on,let's get out there and impress them toads.Or we die! " Sasha says as they lift their hands together and give a small cheer.


" Dang it Beatrix,what's your brother waiting for? " Bufō questioned bored,his attention was then drawn to the stage as the curtains closed,getting all of their attention.

The curtains opened,revealing Sasha and Percy.Braddick held the light on them as Grime appeared and landed on stage sending Percy in the air as he shot shirts to toads that read 'Toad's rule' on them.

" Eh hem,my fellow toads!For years we have kept the kingdoms servants in line,but are we not just servants ourselves?I propose a future where toads over throw King Andrias and take out place as rightful rulers of all Amphibia! " Grime announced as Sasha whispered for him to drop the mic,to which he did.

" You all took a huge risk to come here and gain support for your rebellion," Bufō started but Beatrix butted in.

" And it paid off,we froggin love this! " She yelled as the crowd cheered before she sat back down.

" Nicely done,Grimity," Beatrix said with a grin causing Grime to be embarrassed.

" No wait!Is your real name- "

" We're not talking about this! " Grime yelled before Sasha could tease him.

" So tell us,tell us!Who's leading this revolution? " Bufō questioned.

" I was," Grime says gesturing from him to them causing Beatrix and Bufō to whisper to each other.

" Ya no,we love your vision but no toad is going to follow the command of fugitive and his hummus," Bufō stated.

" Humans,we're called humans," Sasha corrected.

" Bufō right,just because King Andrias is working with a bunch of Hummuses doesn't mean us toads will go for it," Beatrix added.

" Wait,other humans.They must be talking about Anne,Y/n,and Marcy.I don't believe it,they're working together,and without me!? " Sasha says angrily clenching her fists.

" And apparently aiding the crown," Grime adds.

" Speaking of which,this while thing is beginning to sound too risky.Guards!Arrest them! " Bufō ordered as some guards headed towards them.Sasha in a fit of rage charged,despite Grime's yell,and took out all the guards by herself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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