Wally and Anne (Unedited)

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" Now remember,green and red be well fed,blue and red instantly dead," Hop pop said as he showed the difference between two berry bushes.

Sprig shoved a mouthful of red and green berries in his mouth chewing on them.

" Or was it green and red," Hop pop questioned as Sprig paused spitting them out and hurrying to catch up with Hop pop and Polly.

Anne was picking some mushrooms and observing them when she saw Y/n heading further away from the group as if looking for something.Anne glanced up seeing that Y/n had heard something moving and went after it," hey Y/n!Where are you going? " Anne questions racing after the curious girl.

" Y/n!Where did you-Ah! " Anne yelped falling into a bush next to Y/n," shhh,look," Y/n said as Anne looked forward and awwed at the sight of the beautiful mysterious moss creature.

" Woah- "

Anne stopped abruptly choking on a butterfly that flew into her mouth.

The creature looked up before quickly scurrying off.

" No,wait!Come back,you're so cool," Anne said out of breath before finally coughing up the butterfly.

" There you two are "

" You guys just missed it! "
" What?You barfing up and butterfly?Nah we totally saw that "

" She's actually talking about the moss creature I've been observing,though she scared it away," Y/n explained as Anne gave a sheepish smile.

Hop pop,Polly and Sprig began to laugh a bit,

" Good one guys,saw the old moss man huh? " Sprig questioned.

" Ya that sounds about right "
" Girls the moss man is a myth,only crazy people and gullible tadpoles believe in it," Hop pop explains as Anne and Y/n looked confused.

" Wait,your telling me you guys ahve giant fire breathing beavers and mutant centipedes but you don't believe in this? " Anne questioned very confused.

" Well ya,we've seen those.Your world might have stuff like flying machines and magic memory boxes,but we don't have weird stuff like that here.This is just a normal town," Sprig exclaims.

" Suuuuuuure," Y/n said going back to writing something down.

" You're talking frogs!Never mind, we're done talking about this," Anne concludes.

As they were heading back to Bessie Anne kept talking about the moss man.

" I am not done talking about "
" Uh,still?Y/n isn't even complaining at this point "

" Because arguing with you guys is like arguing with a brick wall," Y/n comments.

" I'm telling you guys,we BOTH saw it! I saw it!I saw it!I saw it! " Anne says.

" Careful Anne,you keep ramping and raving you'll put one eyed Wally out of the job," Hop pop laughed.
" She really does sound like Wally "
Anne gasped," you take that back!I'm not a weirdo like Wally,I'm a strong sane women who saw the moss man! " Anne yells.

" Soooo,you've seen the moss man too aye?I've seen it once deep in the mores where it makes it's home and feeds on mist.Skin of Moss it had,took my hand clean off it did," Wally rambled.

" You have both your hands Wally," Anne said shoving him away.

Wally gasped," lefty!When did you get back? "

Hop pop,Polly,and Sprig snickered.

" Stop it!I know it sounds crazy when he says it,but I saw it.And even though Y/n won't argue she saw it too,that has to count as something.I saw what I saw," Anne tried to reason.

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