Cursed (Unedited)

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" There you go deary "
" Catch you Later Mrs.Croaker! "
" Oh they'll never catch me "
" Hey Maddie!Happy market day! " Anne waved to Maddie across from there stand,Maddie turn her head creepily at Anne and smiled.

" Classic creepy Maddie "
" Still haven't gotten used to it," Y/n pops up from nowhere with mud all over her.

" What happened to you? " Anne questioned her friend.

" Uh.... I got emotionally invested in helping a tiny creature that had fallen on there back,but that's not important right now, I want to give you something,maybe later....or tomorrow..." Y/n said sounding excited yet unsure.

" Oo!Alright then,I wonder what it is....uh what are you doing? " Anne said as she turned to see Sprig hiding.

" Hiding,ever since me and Maddie got engaged things between us have been awkward," Sprig explained.

" No kidding," Y/n commented.
" Dude,if you don't want to be engaged anymore,just break it off," Anne spoke up.

" Break up with her,to her face," Sprig said climbing into Anne's hair to hide.

" She'll kill me! " Sprig states as the three look over to Maddie who was chopping bread aggressively with a smile.

" I don't think Maddie would kill you,I mean sure she looks like she hides bodies in her basement but...but...oh," Y/n said trying to find something decent to say that Sprig won't freak out about.

" Look,breaking up is no big deal,I used to do it for my friends all the time,they called me the break up queen.Also Angel of Death," Anne said with pride.

" Perfect,you go break up with her for me,and Y/n will help me find a new place to hide! "

" Ya!Spr(part of your name)anne against the world! "
" We've got to find a way to make that sound sensible," Y/n said as Sprig high fived them both each,Anne then flipped Sprig in the air which caused him to accidentally push a bucket of berries out of a frogs hand.

" Gracious me," the frog said.

" Oops sorry about that Barry," Sprig apologized.
" Woah we didn't see you there Barry," Anne said.
" I apologize on my friends behalf," Y/n quickly earning a slight nudge from Anne,Y/n stifled a smile.

" Shucks kids,don't worry about it!Nothing gets Barry down," Barry said pulling out Candy from each of there heads/hair/hats and handing it to the group.

" Candy Magic," Sprig said.

" Have a Barry good day," Barry said picking up his bucket and leaving, forgetting some of his berries on the ground and heading to his stand.

" Barry's here! " He announced as kids cheered.

" There goes Barry,sweetest frog in all of wartwood," Sprig spoke.

" Swell,and now time to go break up with Maddie for ya," Anne said going to Maddie.

" So did you tell Anne about the surprise? " Sprig questioned Y/n when Anne was a few feet away.

" I told her,that I would show her later or maybe tomorrow,I totally flunked man," Y/n said freaking out a bit.

" Listen, she'll love it!Don't worry and besides,no one knows Anne more than you,well and me of course but still ," Sprig says.

Sooner than expected Anne came back," or maybe breaking up by text would be better! " Anne said suddenly," by what? "

" By text,it's not super cool  but hey,everyone's done it at least once," Anne said.

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