Fool Me Once

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Damon POV

I was reading through the grimoire, when Stefan barges in looking anxious. I had gotten a text earlier from Jenna, 'Elena was taken, Anna snatched her up, anxious Stefan, ruining my sleep, good night.'

"Anna took Elena," he stated.

"Yeah, I got that from your 600 voice mails," I bluntly replied.

He walked across the room until he was next to me, "Damon, all night long, every single street in town, I've been searching. What if your blood hasn't passed out of her system?" he says worriedly. Ah, he wants to keep his blood bag, how nice. Too bad he doesn't know it's his blood, not mine. If it was mine she would've escaped Anna by now. Also, how stupid is Stefan to not check motel rooms?

"Well, then at least you know you'll see her again," I told him.

"Please," Stefan pleads and sits next to me, much to my annoyance, "What do you know? You were with Anna, you must know where she's living. Just tell me where I can find her."

I looked up at him, yeah I was with her, and yeah I know where she lives, but, "Nope. You can go. Really."

"You know, all I can remember is hating you. There might have been a time when that was different, but your choices have erased anything good about you," I put the book down and turned to him as he continued, "But see, I also know you have just as much reason to hate me. This all began with me. Katherine got taken away from you because of me. And I'm sorry," he said. So my choices have erased anything good about me? He is the one making the animals go extinct, but then he's also a Ripper. There's more over population of humans then animals. Also, he was planning on stealing the book I'm currently holding and trapping me in there. Yeah, I'm soooo the bad guy here.

"Apology accepted," I told him.

"So please, just tell me what you know," he pleads again.

I stood up, he stood up, looking at me anxiously, "I mean this sincerely." He nods in anticipation, "I hope Elena dies." Unfortunately she's not. Uncle Nik isn't showing up until he knows Katherine is here. Elijah might show up too but mom's gonna deal with him. I left him in the room as I walked out.

Caroline POV

I was getting prepared for a party, I had walked up to Matt as soon as I saw him, "Hey!"


"So, I have a speech. It is fully scripted and well-rehearsed. Are you ready for it?" I asked.

He looked surprised, "You wrote a speech?"

"Yes. It's a "You kissed me and I don't want things to be weird" speech. It's preemptive."

Matt chuckled, "Preemptive?"

"Yeah, you know, in case you were having second thoughts or regrets, or were, like, ooged out-"

"Ooged, huh?"

"Can I just get on with the speech part?"

"Yeah, go for it."

"So I know that you don't think this is going to work out between us, but to be honest I have interest in somebody else. So this is me offering you a way out, we can go back to being friends no problem," I explained. I knew if it came down to it and he got involved in the supernatural, he would side with Elena.

He thought about it and nodded, "Okay, I will use the way out and just be friends."

I smiled, "Good. Now, I am going to let you get back to work, I have to go meet my sister and Bonnie," I told him and left.

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