Single Single

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"Mommy, can we go to Bwyce and Mawcel house?" Niko, Bryce, and Marcel stood in front of Sabrina all with puppy dog eyes.

Sabrina nodded, "Mommy will talk to cousin Meeka and see when it's ok to go."

"Yayy!" The boys shouted in unison before running off into the backyard.

Sabrina was seated on a bar stool drinking a wine cooler with a few ladies. One of the girlfriends was spilling unasked for tea on her Nick's situation-ship.

"Imma be real, Sabrina, I just don't like the girl. I can tell what she's all about. She tryna get pregnant so she can secure the bag." The woman named Roxanne gossiped, as she stirred her potato salad.

Sabrina laughed because she knew that would never happen. After they had Niko and another incident, Nick got a vasectomy. They decided together that they didn't want any more kids. Sabrina kept her thoughts to herself, nodding her head listening.

"She sends her own pics into the blogs as if they were 'spotted' out together then has her friends comment like they really ship them." Another girlfriend chimed in. Her name was Deja.

"My thing is, if that's your man, then that's your man. His love for you should be all you need. I didn't have to tell people me and Nick were together, the man showed me off every chance he could. His love for me was very evident, even with his bullshit," Sabrina humbly bragged, "Our relationship may not have worked out, but we have our son, and we're still really good friends."

Roxanne cackled, "Was? Girl bye. That man's love is still very much evident. I'm still team y'all."

"I don't know anything about that, Roxy." Sabrina laughed, "I know we both love Niko and because of that little boy, we have a imperishable bond." She shrugged before hopping off her seat to go check on her sons father.

Going out into the large backyard, she glanced at the men seated at the poker table. She checked the meat on the grill before nabbing a Sprite out from the cooler and walked over to the table.

"Hey, love," he Nick greeted her.

"I brought you something to drink." She sat the soda on the empty coaster in front of him.

He smiled at her thoughtfulness. While everyone else was drinking beer and mixed drinks, she made sure to show her consideration and support of Nick's sobriety, "Thank you, mama."

"Don't be over here losing all your money," she giggled, running her soft hand across his low fade before walking away.

BJ chuckled shaking his head, in the seat next to his cousin.

"Man, what's up cuzz," Nick asked, pushing some poker chips forward.

"You betta get ya shit together, that's what," Bobby remarked, "that prospect won't be on the table forever."

"I'm workin on it,"

Back inside the house, the doorbell rang. Sabrina went to see who it was since Nick and the guys were in the back.

"Hey...." Her voice died off seeing two very familiar men at the door.

"Bri! You live here?" The man who had introduced himself as Daniel the night before asked with a wide smile.

"No, it's my... friend's house." She lied. She didn't know why she lied, she just did.

Vic spoke next, "Can we come in?" He pointed.

"Oh, sorry," she moved out the way. "Y'all know Nick?"

"Yep, we just whooped his ass on the field. Now we're here to whoop his ass some mo in some poker."

She facepalmed herself, "You play for New Orleans." She stated, now recognizing the origin of Daniel's accent.

Daniel smiled, "Born and raised in Nola"

"I'm taking a trip there soon. It's such a great place to visit, so full of life and culture."

"Nothin else like it," Vic chimed in. "The food, the culture, the people," he winked.

Sabrina smiled, "Yeah, well everyone's out back. Ain't nothing but women in the kitchen...which sounds really terrible when I say it out loud."

The three of them laughed.

"So, are you the single friend?" Daniel asked.

Before Sabrina could respond, Nick came in the foyer carrying Niko on his shoulder, "What's up. Took y'all niggas long enough." He dapped the men up, before turning to Sabrina, "He fell asleep, so imma go ahead and put him in his bed. He can spend the night, mama?"

"Yeah. He asked earlier, I forgot to tell you."

Nick smiled widely, stepping closer, "you gonna stay wit em?"

"No Nicholas. I am not." She shut him down, not wanting her new friends to get the wrong impression.

"Aight aight, can you show them to the back for me, please?" He asked already walking up the staircase.

She turned to the two men who were smiling.

"After you," Vic paused, "mama."

She rolled her eyes, "Nick is my son's father. That's all." She tried to clarify.

Daniel put his hands up in surrender, "it's none of our business no how. It's all good, Bri."

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