Chapter 1

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"Welcome to Hawkins, Indiana"

Breathe y/n

"This is going to be interesting," you sighed

It has been a while since you have been in Hawkins, but with your parents out of the picture, you're staying with your grandparents for a while. Hawkins was your childhood home. A lot of memories were made here. Old friends left behind. It was hard leaving everything when your parents suddenly decided to move unexpectedly. It was weirdly nostalgic as you passed by the little town. Childhood memories flooded your mind when you were little. The happiness didn't last long.

"It hasn't changed"

You finally arrived at your grandparents', and they welcomed their new roommate with all love in the world. With your mom gone and your dad unable to afford the bills, there was no other choice. The tragic accident that happened to your family still resonates in your heart, and it never sat right with you. So you're spending your last year of high school at Hawkins until you move to college. Luckily your grandparents didn't mind their unexpected guest.

Nothing much changed transferring schools either. High school is high school. Besides, you're the new student, and in a small town, having a new student is a pretty big deal.

"Everyone, take your seats!" Ms. Hans spoke as the last bell rang.

You looked around for a seat. You decided to sit next to someone that looked like they didn't bite. She was tall, had short hair, and had the bluest eyes you had ever seen. Your eyes met with hers, and you smiled at her, and you asked if the seat was taken.

"You're good." She kindly said, pointing at the desk and chair.

You smiled at her again and took the seat.

"I'm Robin," she continued whipping her blue nail-painted hand out for you to shake.

"I'm y/n," you said, shaking her hand gladly.

"Today, we have a new student here at Hawkins high," the teacher spoke.

Oh great.

"Would you please tell us a little bit about yourself?"

You stood up. Slowly and uncomfortably.

"I'm y/n. I'm a senior. My parents and I used to live here when I was a kid, and now I'm back so. " you said as you immediately sat back down. You felt the embarrassment already settle in.

You never did well with public speaking.

Mrs. Hans thanked you for that "great" introduction you gave as you died inside at your seat.

"So you used to live in Hawkins?" The girl asked as the teacher began speaking low enough nobody else could hear.

"Yeah, I left about five years ago. I grew up here," You said, keeping your voice low.

"Why did you come back?" She said in a severe tone. Almost concerning.

"I um- family, I guess," you said, confused as to why she asked it so weirdly like you did something wrong.

"Well, y/n, I'll give you a piece of advice..." she whispered, signaling you to come closer.

A concerned look grew on her face.

"Pick who you trust wisely. Hawkins hasn't been the same since you left."

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