Chapter 41

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"I want to know what's beyond that door. Freak," he said, pointing to the half-broken door behind you.

At least he used freak this time.

"There's nothing for you here," you replied. Standing where you were.

"Oh, I think there is," he said back to you.

He slowly started to approach you.

"I don't want to hurt you, Jason," you enunciated.

He fell apart, laughing at that one.

"A puny person like you can't stop me. I have God on my side." he preached, pointing at the man upstairs.

"God doesn't care about your kind," you objected as you pulled your gun out, cocked it, and took aim.

"Step any closer, and I shoot," you panted with no hesitation. Your heart rate began to increase, but you looked him dead in the eyes. He put his hands up in surrender.

"I know your hiding that FREAK Eddie in there." He continued and looked past you.


The insanity in this boy had taken over him. He looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep for weeks. He was on the brink of losing it. Therefore, you didn't take your eyes off him.

"Even if he was here. Why would I let you near him?" You scolded back.

"He's a monster, y/n! And a monster deserves to be in hell!" He retaliated, inching his way toward you.

You released your safety, slowly placing your finger on the trigger.

I have ten rounds, and it only takes one to kill.

"Besides...two can play this game." he shrugged just as he pulled out his gun.


"Let's settle this like civilized people. Lower your weapon."

"You first," you demanded while you watched him get closer to you. Fixing his feet, ready to pounce.

"I'll lower mine if you let me see that son of a bitch that killed Chrissy," he replied; you were now a foot away from him. His eyes started to water, and the grip on his gun started to get stronger.

"Never!" you hissed boldly.

"She...was...MINE!" he yelled and swung his gun at the side of your head. The forceful impact made you fall to the ground. Blood started to trail along your face.

"Leave her alone!" Eddie growled.

With that, Eddie appeared abruptly right between you two.

The side of your head pounded like a racing heartbeat.

And Jason looked astonished.

"Well, I'll be! Lord, you have provided." Jason said back with his hands outreached, looking towards the sky. He then pointed his gun at Eddie. Pressing it against his chest.

"Eddie!" you shouted. You slowly got your footing, but the ringing in your ear wasn't helping.

"Get inside!" Eddie told you.

"Yeah! Get inside! Let the men talk." Jason raved.

You were ready to shoot this guy.

But you got nervous now. When you finally gained your balance, you moved cautiously to get a better look at the situation. You picked up your gun and aimed it at Jason.

"I always knew you were a demon," Jason said to Eddie with confirmation and pointed the gun at you now.

"And your little friend here will now pay for those sins."

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