Chapter 44

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The day grew short. The sun had shown the day, and it was now the moon's time to shine.

Everyone had to rest up for the next big day.

The plan.

You all were going to meet up at the shed in the woods for one last meeting before you went to kill Vecna. Since your vision didn't give any clues as to when Vecna would release his army, you had a feeling it would happen very soon.

You sat in Robin's room, scrambling through the books you grabbed in the library. You couldn't sleep. The thoughts of what happened earlier couldn't leave your mind.

Jason. Blood. Eddie.

Jason was crazy. Crazy. And Eddie?

His hands. His rough but gentle hands on you. His mouth leaving traces along your skin.

You kept thinking of all the promises you made to each other.

He promised he would stay with me and me by his side.

Robin was passed out on her bed, with her casual snoring, beside you as the only thing that lit the room was a small nightlight on her desk.

With the books in hand, roaming through the pages, nothing the pages held had helped you.

You were stranded in the dark.

The thought of Eddie couldn't leave your mind, however. They kept wounding you.

I need you, Eddie. I need you by my side.

You shut off the nightlight as the loneliness started to creep in. Even though Robin slept next to you, you never felt lonelier. You nestled yourself under the sheets of the mattress on the floor. Your throat started to choke, and the urge to cry your eyes out felt like a solution to your pain. But you couldn't. You couldn't cry.

You tried to calm your mind down. Trying to find a happy thought.

Glad you practiced y/n.

So you fell asleep thinking of him. And only him.

"Hey! Get up, sleepy head." You woke up to Robin towering over you. The bright light of the morning sun penetrated your eyes.

"Good Morning!" Robin exclaimed with a higher pitch of tone and a broad smile when she noticed you struggling.

"What time is it?" you asked her.

"Late. You better get dressed. Here!" Robin answered as she threw you some clothing, then closed the door behind her.

"Shit," you mumbled.

You looked at the clock on her desk.


You must've overslept, which was a good thing. You couldn't remember the last time you slept for that long.

You quickly put on whatever she threw to you and headed downstairs, where she was already waiting for you.

"Finally! Let's go!" she shouted in desperation. Motioning her hand for you to hurry down the stairs and get your things. You quickly grabbed your leather jacket and car keys and then hurried to your car. Speeding was the least of law enforcement's worries regarding driving in Hawkins. The problems were too piled up for the small number of hands they would care less about some teenagers speeding across town.

The town was desolate. The streets were empty.

From what you could remember on how to get there from the couple of times you had been to the shed in the woods, you noticed the dark clouds starting to hover above you—covering the sun from shining through. The Upside Down has made its way this far.

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