Chapter 49

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Without paying too much attention to your surroundings, you barged into the front door. To your surprise, everyone was there. Everyone.

"What's going on?"

Everyone was in distress. In anguish.

"Max is missing." Steve finally spoke. But everyone's gaze went towards your father.

"Who is this?" Hopper pointed to the person behind you.

"My dad. He worked in the labs. He helped me escape." you told him, but he didn't look too convinced.

"What's the code red y/n? Did you have another vision?" Nancy asked you, her voice hoarse.

"I-I got a phone call," you answered.

You scanned the scene. Lucas wasn't handling it all too well. His eyes were red and puffy with his family clung beside him; he looked lost in thought. He loved her. And he could lose her. All of them were worried and had doubts floating above them.

"It was Vecna. He said he had Max." you declared.

"He said...he was willing to exchange her...for the person who put him there in the first place."

Everybody looked baffled except one.


You both looked at each other when your words finally registered with you. Whatever happened all those years ago, Henry still hasn't let them go. And he wanted revenge.

It took a second longer for several people to understand what you said.

"He wants me." Eleven muttered. Her eyes began to weep tears as one slowly trailed down her face.

Hopper and Mike, of course, disagreed with her, but in her mind, it was already set and done. She had already made her decision to give up herself for Max to end this war and get rid of that monster. Creating chaos.

"No," you said. Eleven looked up at you when Hopper and Mike stopped reprimanding her. That wasn't your plan for her.

"It's happening. Right here. Right now. The war has started! "

Everyone stood still and looked towards their friends and family for support. Abruptly, Hopper got an intermission on his walkie.

"Bald eagle has landed," they said.

"Let's kill this son of a bitch." Hopper spoke, and mixed emotions stood beside him. Fear. Sadness. Doubt.

But most importantly, determination.

"Everyone follow me." Hopper asserted. Outside of the Wheeler's house appeared trucks. But not just any ordinary truck. It was massive and well-suited to travel to the Upside Down.

"Did you get them?" Hopper asked as two men approached him.

"Yup! It's all here!" the man with a receding hairline, oversized glasses, and an ungroomed beard came waltzing with a proud attitude.

Hopper opens the doors and reveals the glorious amounts of weapons imaginable. Guns. Knives. Bullets. Grenades. Even a flame thrower.

"Where did you get all of this!?" Mrs. Wheeler concernedly asked Hopper as he and the others started to unload the truck.

Another man with a thick Russian accent smirked while passing out the weapons.

"Some "powerful" people were willing to help," he said.

With Hopper in command and everyone else following his lead, you all began to prepare yourselves.

He explained the weakest points on Demogorgons, vines, and demo dogs.

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