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Your eyes widened at the sight in front of you.

"Your eyes..." you muttered.

"What?" Eddie said in doubt. You felt his skin against your own.


"They're not red anymore. And-" a thought occurred to you.

His heart...

You put your head against his chest.

"Y/n," Eddie called to you. You shushed him.

"Your heart....its beating!"


"Hawkins has been saved! The once treacherous town terrorized by creatures from the depths of hell has been liberated. The town still suffers damages. However, the massive red glowing gates have disappeared. Citizens of Hawkins rejoice but still raise a major question: How? Was this the act of God who saved this poor town? Or was this an act of a hero brought down to save us? More on that coming soon. In other news, the suspected Murderer, Eddie Munson, charged with murdering three teenagers, has been mysteryily dropped. However, questions about Eddie Munson's location are unknown. Rumors have said he may have been one of the many lives lost due to the current events. Some suspects say that he is alive because the new leader in the band, the corroded coffin, appears to be nearly identical. We are still waiting to hear from The corroded coffin and Hawkins sheriff of police as of this moment. This is channel nine reporting live, back to you..."

...Several months later...

Eddie decided to reveal himself to his uncle after the charges were dropped. Telling him the truth about everything when you had finally defeated Vecna. You even told him about yourself as well, besides you ruling an alternate reality.

In this new reality you created, you built yourself a home. It didn't take as long as it usually would when you can bend matter in this reality. Dustin and Will helped you set up a communication system so that if any of your friends were to try to communicate with you, they would come through lights and a radio connection.

The Watcher did make another appearance, nonetheless. It only appeared as a voice. Nothing else.

"I forgot one tinstie thing to say before you left, but you were in such a hurry I didn't have time to say it."

"My powers only exist for you in this reality. It can die if it goes somewhere it can't be controlled. I'm allowing you to travel, but you must return. The amulet that hangs around your neck can allow easy travels for anyone wishing to enter."

Learning this, you decided to open a gate for only those who knew where it was tucked away. And you would know exactly who or what would come through it.

You and Eddie decided on the best spot.

The waterfall.

It was a far walk from Hawkins but shorter by car, and it was unknown.

...Graduation Day...

"What, you got there?" Eddie, curious, asked you what was in the garment bags in your hand. While he relaxed on the comfy chair, fiddling with pages of song lyrics as he bit the end of a pen.

"It's for later," you told him as you rushed to put your things away.

"Uhh, what's later?" he asked you, totally oblivious. He was completely invested in what he had in his hands that he forgot you both graduate today.

In response, you gave him a snarky look.

"Oh! That's right! Graduation!" he blurted, eyes full of realization.

I wanna be yours | eddie munson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now