Chapter 39

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That very day your head ached like someone rammed your head against the wall. You weren't used to that amount of use of your mind.

You sat in your car for a while without even starting it. Thinking thoughts. You enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere with no one to bother you. You wanted peace from all the hiding. When a couple of snowflakes dropped onto your windshield—the beginning of snow—winter finally came to Hawkins.

You knew they were still looking for you.

Your family. Your father.

You missed them dearly.

Even though they lied to you, you knew they still cared for you.

I can't.

You had lost all hope in them.
Your hands gripped the steering wheel.

All the lies.

It made you sick.

You turned the key to your car and returned to the main road.

There has to be something. Documents. Papers. Archives. Anything! About me. About the lab. About my parents.

You thought to go to the one place where they keep all of the old records throughout the years.

The library.

The library was partially damaged due to the world splitting open and therefore was left abandoned.

So you had no clue where to start, but you had two goals. Search through the archives and research premonitions and visionaries.

You made sure to park your car in a noticeable spot that hides your license plate. If someone were to look for you, you blended in. Your vehicle was typical, after all.

You grabbed your gun and put it in its holster that you kept in your car beside your hip.

You walked into the library and went to the easiest option. Looking for books.

Since there wasn't electricity in this part of the building, you went to the many drawers behind the main desk with the numbers of specific books.

Got it.

You went down the aisles.

There were many books on this specific topic, so you just took the books and shoved them in your bag.

They won't be looking for these.

Onto your next goal.

The archives.

Luckily the machines still worked.

You needed to look for any documents when you were abducted. However, you had no idea where to start finding your true family. From your understanding, they are either dead or, worse, under the government's control.

You stopped to think. What is the earliest memory you can remember? 

You tried hard.

You remember being able to run, talk, and think for yourself. Maybe the age of 10. But nothing before that.

1977? 1978? Or 1979?

You looked through all the library's archives under those years and anything around those dates to narrow down your options. Then you searched for the lab.

"Hawkins National Laboratory."


You kept reading.

"Dr. Martin Brenner," you mumbled.

He was the director and senior researcher in the lab. And in charge of the experimentation of children.

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