Chapter 8

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You couldn't tell them the whole story because you could put their lives at risk. Like Robin said, "Pick who you trust wisely."

Your parents worked at a facility under the government in Indiana. They didn't say "exactly" what they did there. Besides, they handled what the government shoved under the rug. You swore to them that you wouldn't tell anyone, so you haven't.

Your mom didn't die from a car crash. She died from a chemical explosion.

It was hidden from the public eye because people would freak out with any word of explosion.

When your mom died, you were at the lowest point of your life. How could you live without her? And your dad? He left you here. Alone.

About 10 minutes in, you felt you were on the edge of breaking into a million pieces. And you didn't like people seeing you like that.

"I need a drink," you said on the brink of tears. You left them both there. And they stayed. After that, you needed something to shove these emotions somewhere. And at the time, alcohol felt like a solution.

-something that would ease my mind.

You managed to get through the crowd and grabbed a can. You pulled back the tab and started jugging it until it was empty. You threw it in the garbage and then proceeded to grab a drink from the punch on the counter—and again, trying to get through the hectic crowd, you slowly took sips of your beverage. You felt someone's eyes on you, but you didn't care to look.

What is this stuff?...

It tasted like someone put just pure liquor with cough medicine. It was hitting you hard.

Then some idiot bumped you from behind. You felt gravity increase on you when you lost your balance. This idiot pushed you into a person.

Fuck not this again.

Your drink now spilled all over the person in front of you.

"AAH, I'm so sorry," you sluggishly said as you were inches away from this tall figure. Your consciousness slowly returned as you realized who you had just bumped into.


"You gotta watch where you're going, sweetheart."

You recognized that voice. He backed up, looking down at his shirt.

It was him. Eddie Munson. The high school freak. The guy you were warned to stay away from.

"Umm, here, let me help you." You said and grabbed whatever was next to you.

Without even thinking, your hands were patting all over his chest. He grabbed it from you.

"Uh, thanks." He laughed at you, trying to help him when there was nothing more you could do. So, you backed away.

You saw how you decorated his shirt with your drink, and there was no way of saving it.

He must have been thinking the same way because right then and there, he started to take off his clothing with a big ol' sigh. First, his jacket. Then his shirt. You admired his tattoos decorated all over his chest.

He caught your gaze. And with a smile, he scoffed about your admiration.

You caught on and looked down at your feet.

He wasn't as angry at you for spilling your drink on him as you thought he might be.

He was the complete opposite.

Why is he enjoying this?

A part of you thought it was on purpose.

He then proceeded to put back on his jacket, leaving his bare chest exposed.

"Are you okay?" he asked, trying to meet your eyes with his. He could tell you were distressed and that something wasn't right.

"Am I ok? Are you okay? I just ran into you again, but with my drink." you joked, trying to steer the attention back at him.

"I'm Eddie Munson. Might as well introduce ourselves." He said, laughing a little, giving you that warm smile again. Out of all the times you've seen him, he has only given you this smile.

"I'm y/n y/l/n." You said, looking up at him.

"Nice to meet your acquaintance, y/n." He responded, with a different accent, giving you a royal bow.

Playing along, you said:

"As to you, Ma-lord."

He looked up at you, still bowing, shocked that you played along. Nobody, outside of hellfire, really did.

"I see this...fair maiden is not bewildered by my actions." He said, slowly rising.

"I don't think you're the only freak here." You responded softly.

He looked at you in awe but in dread. He has bumped into someone that understands him.

Maybe too well.


There was a pause.


"I'm sorry about your shirt," you apologized. Breaking the silence.

"Naaahh, don't worry about it. I've got plenty of these." He grinned, holding the once-white shirt in one hand.

"Y/n! Where have you been?!"

It was Robin, and she was worried. Nancy was right behind her. They started pacing towards you.

"Nice 'bumping' into you again, Munson." You laughed before you started to walk away.

"Till next time, y/l/n." He said, placing his hand over his chest and giving you a short bow before spinning around on his heels towards your opposite direction.

God help me.

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