Chapter 7

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You got out of your car.

There are a lot of people here. You can't ditch now; they'll start to question.

You rang the doorbell. Your arms were crossed as you watched your breath show in the cold.  You instantly felt the freezing air bite your cheeks.



Steve looked at you, surprised by your presence, as he stood at the front door. You heard music coming deep within the house and people walking behind him.

"Come in. Come in. It must be freezing." he said.

The boy moved aside for you to come into the warm house. You instantly felt the sudden blood rush to your fingertips.

"Here," he said, coming from behind and helping you with your coat.

"Thank you," you said.

"Is this your house?"

"It is. We moved just a year ago. We had to because of, well, legal reasons." He brushed that last sentence off very quickly as he looked away from you.

There were people everywhere.

He leaned down to your ear—just enough for you to hear him through the loud music.

"My parents are on a business trip, so we don't have to worry about them," he said.

Through the number of people and the low lighting, you admired the beautiful home.

"It's very nice," you said, looking at him.

"Well, help yourself to anything. Food, if you want!" he shrugged, smiling at you, about to leave you to defend yourself. You had feared this would happen.

"I thought it was going to be a couple of people!" You yelled because of the obnoxiously loud music.

"Well, that was the original plan, but you know!" he responded as a snarky smile appeared. He then came closer to you, leaning down once more.

"I'll be right here if you need me." He said as he placed a hand on your shoulder. His face is now inches away from you- eyes fixed on you.

You looked into his soft brown eyes.


"Have fun." He said, then proceeded to walk away.

You were alone now.

Feeling like a lost child in a supermarket.

I need a drink.

With a beer in your hand, you chugged half of it.

I need to find Robin.



Thank God.

"I thought that was you!" she said.

I guess she found me.

"I'd like you to meet someone," she said, taking you by the hand.

"Nancy, this is y/n," she said.

"Nancy, Nancy Wheeler?!" you gasped.

You hadn't heard that name in ages.

Nancy gasped as she turned around, getting up from her seat.

"Y/n y/l/n?!"

You immediately locked eyes with each other.

"Oh my God, I haven't seen you in forever!" she said, running up to you and giving you a huge hug. You hugged her back.

You and Nancy used to be best friends back in the day up until you had to move. You two were inseparable, never leaving each other's side, even after school. You begged your parents to stay at her house. You practically lived there.

"It's so good to see you again!" you said.

"I've missed you! When you moved away, I couldn't stop talking about you. Robin would know." she laughed, looking at Robin.

It appeared that she found Robin when she was alone like you did. It makes sense. Robin was a loquacious person.

"You look gorgeous," you said.

She looked so different from the last time you saw her. She seemed so confident with herself.

"So do you!"

And she hasn't changed.

"Alright. Alright. We get it. You both were friends, and I imagine you have a lot of catching up to do, sooo why don't we sit down." Robin suggested in her Robin way, but you could tell she was uncomfortable with the reunion.

"So, tell me everything! Why did you come back? Is everything okay with your parents and all?"

She knew, even back then, that your parents had a rocky relationship. With the work that they did was rough on them. You explained everything to her, to both of them, about your parents and the reason you had to move.

You told them that your mom had died in a car crash. Your dad couldn't bare to leave you alone, so he thought to leave you here.

That's why you came back.

However, that wasn't what really happened.

What we say to keep our friends safe.

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