Chapter 24

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"Oh shit!" He whispered.

You looked around for something to use. You grabbed the oar you took away from Steve that one day.

"The boat!" You whispered.

"You're a genius!" He said back.

You smiled at him.

You could see he had a plan forming. He grabbed you by the hand and took you through an opposite door.

"Wait!" You said and walked back towards your bag and grabbed it.

You weren't about to leave personal information for them to scavenge through. You'll be another suspect.

You both carefully slid down the hill towards the lake.

"Get in the boat." He whispered as he looked behind you.

You carefully stepped into the boat while you held his hand for stability.

"Come on!" You said, offering your hand for him to grab. You saw their flashlights getting closer to you.

He climbed into the boat and sat across from you.

Eddie grabbed the paddles and started to row as hard as he could.

You grabbed the radio.

"Hello! Can anyone hear me!" You said.

No answer.

"Please! This is a code red! We are being chased!"

No answer.

"Fuck!" You yelled.

"Hey Freak!!" they yelled.

From behind, you could see them.

"It's the guys from the basketball team!" You said.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." He said, trying to pull with all his strength.

You tried the radio again.

"Dustin! Steve? Robin!" you yelled.

"Give it up, y/n; they aren't answering," Eddie complained.

"Oh shit!" you said.

Eddie looked behind you.

"Those sons of a bitches are swimming," he said, getting angrier with each pull of the bars.

"...Oh no," you said concernedly.

"What is it?!" he cried.

"That guy is going to die," you said.

Eddie stopped rowing.

You heard yelling from behind you.

And just like that...he started floating in the air.

"oh shit," Eddie mumbled.

"Y/n! What's happening!" you heard over the radio.

You couldn't build up the courage to pick up the radio. You both looked to see the poor guy's body break into pieces.

Eddie was screaming historically.

"Eddie!!" You yelled, and he continued to row.

"Hello! Eddie! Somebody! Over!"

You heard Dustin scream into the walkie.

"Dustin! We are in trouble!" You yelled back.

Eddie had managed to cross the lake to the other side. You both got out of the boat and ran deep into the forest.

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