Chapter 6

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"I think he's just doing that for attention." You raised a brow.

"Also, there have been rumors that his club is a cult and worships the devil." She added as her eyes widened to try to convince you further.

Is she trying to hypnotize me or something?

"Those are just rumors created by people that don't understand his true intentions," you said, looking at her like she was joking.

You couldn't believe you were defending this man you barely knew.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," she said with her hands up in response to your quick defense. She continued to drink whatever was left in her milk carton.

You looked back at him once more to prove your theory to yourself.

I don't know. He seems like an average person to me.

"Oh! I almost forgot! I've been meaning to ask you something," she said, instantly grabbing your attention.

"Steve, you know, my co-worker that was flirting with you is hosting a party at his house tonight with a couple of friends. Wanna come?" She asked, getting a little too excited, but you love her enthusiasm.

"A party? Uh. If it's only a couple of people-" You said.

You didn't do well with large groups of strangers. Especially in that kind of setting, so you were hesitant. However, if she was going to be there, you'll be happily obliged.

"Okay, great! I'll see you at 8!" She said, grabbing her tray and leaving the table.

I mean, it would be nice to meet new people.

You went home after school, scrambling through the somewhat unpacked boxes of clothing you had all over the room for something to wear at this party.

After a couple of hours, you were ready to go.

8:00 pm, your clock read.

It's okay to be a few minutes late.

Your grandparents were surprisingly lenient about your decision to go out. Besides your grandmother giving you a miniature can of pepper spray, they were cool about it.

I guess they figured a person like you needed to "socialize." Besides, if something were to happen, they knew you could take care of yourself.

You put on your lucky leather jacket and walked to your car.

Your car managed to work this time.

"Thank you, Jesus!" You yelled out, kissing your steering wheel.

You shoved your hand in your glove department for one of your many cassette tapes.

"Venus" by heart played throughout your car. The music surrounds your head with the lyrics.

"She's got it! Yeah, baby, she's got it," it played.

You sang along to every word, the music filling your head—an instant mood changer.

Earlier, before school ended, Robin had left a note in your locker of the address.

As you looked around at the houses in the neighborhood, one stood out to you.

You manage to find the place.

The neighborhood looked nice as it was, but this house was the nicest out of all of them.

Wow. They must be rich.

You powered off your car and saw cars lined up in the driveway and the streets. This wasn't a small get-together.

Great. I wonder what strange thing I'm going to witness next.

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