Chapter 45

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Dustin shouted Eddie's name and ran towards him with all his speed. Beating you to him.

You heard the world go silent around you.

Eddie looked freshened up as he wasn't in his usual attire. The Upside Down was treating him well. He seemed to be in the best shape he has ever been, for being dead. His skin wasn't as pale, but his eyes were still pure. With his guitar strapped against him.

They both embraced each other tightly, not letting each other go. Like a lost child finally finding their parents. Tears of joy began to weep from the both of them.

"Eddie," you muttered his name with questions flying through your mind as he still lingered in Dustin's grasp.

Why is he here? How did he find us? Is he in trouble? Did he finally beat Vecna at his game?

You knew, from what he told you in the forest, that he would only show himself when the time was right. From your vision, your feeling was correct. This was the time. The time to act now, or the world would be his. Henry's. One.

"Vecna," He uttered to you when Dustin's grasp started to loosen.

"I have to talk to you."

By Eddie's mannerisms, he wanted to tell you desperately about something urgent. His stare was focused entirely on you, and no one else's when everybody quickly approached you three.

Everyone came with their jaws hanging below their chins—hands clenching against their chests.

Everything you told them was true.

"Eddie! Is that you?!" Nancy shouted in utter shock. He almost looked unrecognizable to them.

"In the flesh," Eddie smirked, lifting his arms to present himself.

"We thought we lost you, man!" Steves says to him as they embraced each other.

"You won't eat us. Right?" Robin asked nervously.

He shook his head in response as his smile became weaker.

"Good!" she smiled in solace and hugged him too.

Then his face scrunched in confusion at her question. Then his gaze shot back at you.

"It's okay! Y/n told us everything." Dustin confirmed, and your face dropped.

He tilted his head in betrayal. You were supposed to wait for the okay from him first. That failed.

"What's going on, Eddie? With Vecna?" you asked him, and all eyes gazed on you two.

He adjusted his shoulders like they were getting stiff and positioned himself to tell what he saw.

"I'm guessing Y/n has already told you this, but I have spent some time with Vecna himself. He's planning to attack tomorrow night. He has thousands of his demons, ready to attack."

"What did you learn? Anything we can use against him?" Nancy asked him

"All I can say is he won't go down without a fight. Yet, that doesn't mean he doesn't have his flaws. One thing that I learned is that he's a way. He still has feelings."

"Perfect," Kali commented. An evil smile appeared along her lips.

"We can use that," Eleven added.

"Anything else?" Max inquired.

He paused for a moment when he looked at you.

He has something else to say. But he won't say it. He wants to tell me first.

"That's it," he responded, looking back at Max.

"Good! This is good!" Nancy confirmed and looked at Eleven and then at Kali.

"We can definitely use this against him!"

So Eddie's sacrifice didn't go entirely to waste. As the cold temperature settled in, they all walked back to the fire pit. But Eddie pulled you aside.

"Talk to me, Ed," you said in a hushed voice.

"Vecna gave me something when I was in the Upside Down." he began as he grabbed his guitar to show you.

"He gave me some of his power."

You were stunned as the guitar started to shine like the stars in the grasp of his hands.

"It talks to me y/n! My guitar speaks to me." he stammered.

You hovered your hand over the guitar and instantly felt the power he was talking about. He wasn't joking. Vecna gave him a miracle. By accident? No.

"It spoke to you?" you questioned.

Guitars don't just speak to you. Well, not in that way.

"I can't make this shit up! It told me to find you," he answered.

"What else did it say?" You now questioned.

"It told told me to tear it down. To tear it all down." Eddie ushered.

Huh? Tear it down? Is something haunting it? Was this guitar on our side? Is this a trick?

You couldn't provide him with an answer. And he got anxious. He didn't know if it was his mind fucking with him or if it was true.

"Look. I know it may sound crazy, but-" he started.

"There are stranger things." you interrupted.

"Listen, I think, I think my guitar has a mind of its own. Something...Wait, What?!" I don't think he heard you the first time, but the words finally registered.

You lifted your arm to caress his cold and pale face that provided warmth through all your misery.

Why would Vecna give Eddie a powerful weapon if it would ultimately lead to his destruction?

The electricity ran up through your fingers and you caught a glimpse of what he witnessed. Which further puts your trust in him.

"I believe you, Ed." you said, which made him smile.

He wrapped his arms around you, lifting you from the waist. Your face near his groomed hair while you grabbed him tightly. You never wanted to let go. Because whenever you did, he left you. Alone.

He placed you back on the ground, and with a swift motion of his hands, he put a charming kiss on your lips.

Why do you make it so hard for me to let you go?

This time you wanted to have a vision. A vision of the future. Does anyone survive in the end? Do you and Eddie make it?

Do we have a future? Together?

But premonitions don't work like that.

He looked up at you, deep into his reflections. Your hands were now intertwined with his.

"It kills me that I love you this much," he admitted.

The emotions you have been bottling up we're now spilling out. You were trying to be strong for the both of you, trying to show Eddie that you were okay. Trying to give him the confidence to keep going. But deep down, you were hurting.

"You killed me to the point I rely on you to breathe."


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