Chapter 21

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You walked towards Dustin, trying to get a word out of Eddie, but he wasn't saying anything.

You kneeled, placing your hands on his knees, but he flinched away from you.

He was still very traumatized.

You stood up and walked away.

This isn't a sign of a killer. He saw something.

"We just want to talk," Dustin said, trying his best to put on a caring yet calm tone of voice.

"What happened, Eddie?" Robin asked.

"You won't believe me." he finally spoke, looking at all of you with tears.

"Try us," Max replied.

Try us? Have they seen stuff like this before?

This is stuff you see in movies. You still felt like you were missing a piece of the puzzle here.

Eddie finally got up and had to build the courage to tell everyone what he saw finally.

You sat there and listened.

He explained how Chrissy wanted drugs and her being off about it. He invited her to his house because he had drugs there—the kind she wanted. A cheerleader was going to a metal heads trailer for drugs.

Never heard of that one before.

You all surrounded him as he told what he had witnessed.

"Her...body, lifted in the air," he said, replaying the horrifying images he witnessed.

"Her bones..." he whimpered.

Your eyes widened.

"....snapped," you said under your breath.

You have seen this before in a dream. It was like clear as day.

"Her eyes, sunken in," you said, looking at him. Just the thought of it made you start to tear up.

"Yes. It looked like her...eyes...were being pulled from within her body." he continued realizing that you knew exactly what you were talking about.

"What are you saying, y/n!?" Robin questioned, now more frightened than before.

"I-I have seen this before." you were shocked yourself.

"What!" Steve questioned.

"I saw it. I-In a dream," you stuttered.

Everyone looked at you. Concern grew on every single one of their faces. The pressure of everyone's eyes on you, giving a weird look, made you storm out of the shed.

You walked outside, breathing in the cold misty air.

What is happening? Why did that now cross my mind? Now!

That was real?!

The picture of her disfigured body couldn't leave your mind.

"Hey!" You heard.

You felt a hand grab your shoulder from behind, turning you around to face them.

"Are you okay? What's happened back there?" Steve asked, now worried about you.

You perked up at him—your face burned from trying not to break out into tears.

"I...I" you couldn't get a word out. Your throat was clenching your voice from speaking.

"I don't know."

Suddenly you heard more footsteps come from behind you.

"What's going on!" Dustin cried out.

"You saw a dream!?" Max yelled back.

"I didn't realize it until now." You responded on the brink of tears.

You viewed all of them.

"I used to get these horrible dreams and episodes. Visions about this dark shadow living in some other alternate universe," you said.

"The shadow monster..." Dustin replied.

You noticed Eddie coming out of the shed.

"Look, we are missing the point here. Eddie needs our help!" you resented.

"I think this goes beyond that, sweetheart," Eddie muttered. He soon realized that whatever he saw was not in his mind. It was real. Which made it all more terrifying.

"You saw it happen? How?" Steve asked you.

"I'm not sure. My parents didn't even understand what was wrong with me. They had to figure out why I was having these visions," you explained.

"What did they do?" Robin asked.

"I don't know. One day I just stopped getting them."

"So, you saw into the future?" Dustin asked, still processing what you were saying.

You looked at Dustin.


"Why did you stop getting them!" He continued.

"Dude! She just said she doesn't know!" Steve defended you.

"Will would get visions, right?" Max replied.

"Will? Will Byers?" you questioned.

"He would," Dustin answered, looking at Max, completely ignoring your question. Dustin was now pacing around with his hand on his chin.

"He would get visions or a feeling when the monster was nearby. But this sounds different."

You saw Eddie still looking frightened from all this.

"Eddie," you calmly said.

You started to walk closer to him.

"I believe you."

He examined you with worry in his eyes.

"I'm just as scared and confused as you are, but what you saw back there was not your fault."

"Then why is this happening?" he said softly.

"You how people say Hawkins is...cursed? Well...they're not...entirely off." Max explained, looking at Eddie.

"There is a world beneath Hawkins. And Sometimes, it bleeds into ours. These visions that y/n is seeing...are not entirely false." Dustin said, continuing off of what Max had just explained.

"Like ghosts n' shit?"

"There are things worse than ghosts," Max replied.

"That night, did you see anything?" Robin asked Eddie.

"No. Nothing! I didn't see anything. It was like she was...under a...trance or something." Eddie replied.

"...a spell." You added.

"A..curse." Dustin realized.

"Vecna's curse," Eddie added.

"Vecna? Like...from DND?" You asked.

"Who's Vecna?" Steve questioned.

"Who's Vecna?" Steve questioned

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