Chapter 27

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      The water was cold and sluggish while your arms and feet were helping you down to the bottom

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The water was cold and sluggish while your arms and feet were helping you down to the bottom. You didn't know what you were looking for as everything was dark around you. If you panicked, you would drown. So you tried to keep yourself calm. You just hoped Eddie knew what he was doing because you didn't have the head space to worry about him as your head was more than 5 feet underwater. While you got closer to the bottom of this filthy lake, you started to see a red light.

This has to be it.

You kept pushing yourself as hard as you could. You felt the oxygen slowly start to leave your lungs. Your hands grabbed the vines beside the hole in the earth and yanked yourself, though. Your lungs expanded and gasped for air. You climbed through just as your clothes stuck to your body. You went back to help Eddie, too; he struggled to get himself up.

"Y/n!" you heard.

Just as you turned around, you saw Nancy being attacked by flying creatures.

Your eyes widened, and without thinking, you ran towards her. She had something in her hands as she whipped the things out of her way. You thought to grab something from the ground as you saw Steve's helpless body.

You were now more determined than before to kill these flying fucks.

You didn't hesitate one bit. You swung your thing like a bat at them.

Nancy suddenly stopped as you and Eddie finished off the last two.

"What the fuck" you mumbled as your stick shoved into its body. The bat-looking creatures were something you had never seen before.

You heard Nancy calling out Steve's name, but all he did was lay there.

You ran over to them to help. You saw Steve's blank expression on his face as he stared up at the sky.

Without saying a word, with two fingers, you checked for a pulse. Nancy checked out his wounds.

Suddenly, he gasped for air.

The abrupt sound startled you as hands swept under your arms, pulling you away. It was Eddie. But this jump scare was all in favor because he was breathing. Coughing as he did.

Nancy, like the "friend" she was, helped Steve get up.

"Are you alright, man?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah," he murmured, still coughing and wincing from the pain.

"We need to keep moving," Nancy said as she tucked Steve's arm around her shoulders.

"You sure your not going to catch a disease or something?" You asked playfully as Eddie came over to help him out.

They both shook their heads at you and gave you a snarky look.

"You both have been here before." You concluded.

You have too. But only in visions. You had finally come to your senses and realized where you were. The air was thick and smelled spoiled. The spores floating in the air looked questionable - as if this air was even breathable. The clouds that filled the dark sky carried angry red thunder and lightning.

"Yes. We have."

You kept your mouth shut as all of you went across the lake to the other side where Skull Rock was standing.

There Nancy tended his wounds.

You and Eddie looked at each other right after she ripped a piece of her shirt to wrap him with. Nancy wasn't the kind of person to ruin a perfect shirt, so this was unexpected. Something was going on with her and Steve. Sexual tension?

You both knew some tension was bubbling between the two. And to be honest, you didn't like it. Not one bit.

"So what's the," Eddie asked innocently.

"Now that we know how Vecna is attacking. We can figure out how to kill him," You confirmed.

"Right, but how do we do that?" Steve winced.

"We need weapons," Nancy concluded.

"Guns. I-I have guns."

Nancy had guns, apparently. Right. Wait. Nancy?

You pushed Eddie aside as you tried to gather their attention.

"Nancy! You have guns? Like...actual guns?" you inquired.

"Yes." she said blankly.

I should get one myself to be honest.

"Do you know how to even fire one?" You continued.

"Oooh Trust me. She knows." Steve answered compassionately. Defending her from your statement. He looked at her briefly and then looked at you. His expression saddened as he walked passed.

Even as injured as he was, he still led the way to Nancys house.

You all knew that every killing Venca made was a result to a portal opening. To get there, you needed to get through this underworld of Hawkins to the closest thing to survival. Or weapons. Luck was not on your side because those weapons didn't even exist yet. This upside down was set back in 1983, the day that Will went missing. The day the upside-down opened.

However, your theory was correct. There was a portal in Eddies trailer. Right where Chrissy had died.

 Right where Chrissy had died

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