Chapter 40

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You grabbed the newspaper.

"East Side Trailer park now under restrictions due to disturbances and will be demolished."

That's where Eddie lived.

"Robin?!" You called for her, still looking at the paper.

"I'm sorry! I'll be right back!"

Sorry Robin, but I have to do this one myself.

You dropped the paper and grabbed your things, heading back to your car covered with a tarp and branches.

I can't believe this...

Traffic was horrendous, and they barely allowed anyone on the roads during this time of day.

But you knew how to get around this town.

They also mentioned disturbances. That could only mean one thing.


The sky started to blend into darkness as the dark clouds hovered over the afternoon sky. Parts of Hawkins now looked like parts of the upside down.

You managed to get through the dirt road in the forest where Eddie's trailer still stands. Government trucks and civilian vehicles still covered the park. But nobody was in them, almost like a ghost town.

Max must've moved as well.

If you come across one of these creatures, you would carry protection with you. You put your gun in its holster on your hip and got out of the car. Opened the trunk. And grabbed your axe.

You had to salvage whatever was left of Eddie in that trailer. At least for his uncle. His age and the loss of his only family had not given him any hope for that trailer anymore.

You opened the torn door and scrutinized the chaotic place that no longer holds itself up. The ceiling was now a hole, exhausting things out of it. You had to be careful.

So far, so good.

You managed to get yourself to look into the rooms and find his. You threw something in the room to make sure nothing was waiting for you in there.


You put your axe on your back and looked around his room.

The room carried so much of his character, from the posters to clothing and furniture. It was all him.

You turned to see his guitar leaning against the mirror. The very guitar he used before...

your hand reached out to grab it but


Frantically, you jumbled and instinctively grabbed your gun out of its holster, aiming it toward the sound.

"Who said that!?" You commanded.

"Relax. It's me." He said, coming out of the darkest of corners.

"Eddie!" You said.

He was in his regular clothes. No weapons on him. Nothing to defend himself with. Normal Eddie.

"I almost shot you." putting back your gun; you ran toward him. Hugging his frigid body.

"I missed you." He replied hoarsely and breathed deeply. He felt whole again.

"I missed you too."

"Are you hurt?"  He asked.

"I'm fine," you replied.

"I had a feeling you would come here." He bantered.

"I had to. They were going to destroy it." You responded.

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