Chapter 5

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*12:45 pm. Lunchtime at Hawkins High.

You finished your last class and put everything away in your locker. You proceeded to walk to the lunch room with the many students who had similar schedules as you.

You waited in the ridiculous line and grabbed whatever food they offered.

This food looks somewhat decent compared to the prison of a meal back home.

You looked around at the loud and crowded lunch room for a somewhat empty table. Then suddenly, you heard a familiar voice call out your name.

"Hey, y/n!"


You turned around to see her waving you down to sit with her.

Why not.

"I didn't know you had lunch during this period," you said.

"I don't. I just wanted the extra food." She spoke, smiling and taking a bite of her pb&j.

You smiled at her but raised a brow because usually, you have to pay for the lunch. But you watched her enjoying that sandwich.

"Besides, I have a free period. How're your classes going so far?" She asked, brushing off the crumbs on her hands and taking a sip of her milk carton - watching you.

"Not so bad. Mr. Stewarts, English class, isn't as bad as people make it to be."

"Well, most people don't like English. I mean, we speak the language," she commented, almost laughing.

But it made you laugh.

"But don't get me started on Calculus! It is a real pain in my a-"

What the-

As you were about to get off on a tangent about Calculus and how much you hate it, you were cut off. The lunch room went quiet by a somewhat unusual disturbance.

"As long you're into bands!"

You turned around at the sudden yelling that came from behind you.

"Or science, or parties...."

That's the guy from earlier.

"I know him." You muttered, looking back at Robin, who was still eating her sandwich. Unfazed.

He has done this before.

Robin's nonchalant manner let you know that things like this happens often. Everybody has something to say nowadays.

A jock came up to him, calling him a freak.

A freak? Why? Because he's protesting?

At least, you thought before he stuck out his tongue and made a hissing noise.

Oh. That's why.

"Wait, how do you know Eddie Munson?" She asked, shocked as she realized you knew "the freak."

"I wouldn't say know. I accidentally ran into him in the hallway this morning. He seemed normal to me," you said, then looked back behind you to look at him again.

"But only a couple of words were said." You concluded.

"He's been a senior for the past two years now." Robin started as she leaned closer to you. You leaned in, genuinely interested.

She began explaining that he was a drug dealer who plays D&D with her friends Dustin and Mike. She says she would join them, but the game is too complex for her to play. This is understandable; the game is complicated, with many rules and levels. If you don't have a reputable character, other people look down on you.

" I agree. It's complicated," you commented, letting an expressive smile across your face.

You look back at the table they were sitting at as she continues to describe the mysterious group. They were all wearing the same T-shirt. The 'Hellfire club' they called it. Nobody is allowed to sit with them unless they are a part of this club.

Robin touched your arm, which made you turn in her direction.

"If I were you, I would stay away from him."


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