Chapter 13

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"Now I'll be right back. Just. Close your eyes." He continued.

"So I don't see where you hide your secret stash." You snarkily remarked.

"No. Well? Yes. Just close your eyes." He begged.

"Fine," you replied.

You closed your eyes like he told you. You could hear his footsteps run away beside you. He must have gone far because you couldn't hear them anymore. But you still kept to your promise.

It was so peaceful listening to the noise around you. You were in a comfortable place.

You smelled clarity...

You saw silence

You heard Peace.

You felt hands.

Soft. Cold.

Cold hands on your face, covering your eyes. You jumped a little as your peace was suddenly broken. Gasping a little but was eased by a soft-spoken tone.

"It's okay. It's me." Eddie whispered from behind, keeping his hand over your eyes.

You grabbed his hand from your face. Looking at his palm, the rings he had on his fingers, then at his fingertips.

"You play guitar?" You asked.

He quickly took his hand away from your grasp, giving you a weird look.

"How do you know?" he said, examining it for himself, then looking at you in disbelief.

"You have calluses on your fingertips." You explained.

He looked back at his hand.

"I guess I do." He chuckled.

"Do you play guitar?" Now pointing the question back at you.

"My dad tried to teach me at one point. I can only remember a couple of cords," you said, looking down at your hands.

They didn't have many callouses.

"Well, you know, many people say I'm an excellent teacher." He smirked.

"And many people say I'm a good student," You said with flirtation.

He smiled back.

Then he went back to business.

"So you wanted something stronger, huh?" He asked, sitting across from you.

You responded with a nod.

"Well, you are in luck! I got the strongest stuff in town." he pulled a tiny zip lock bag out of his back pocket.

"Now, since you are a special clientele, you get something special in return," he said, looking up at you, making sure you were taking this seriously.

"I'm that special?" You were testing him now.

"Well, as gorgeous as you are, how can any guy resist," he said, showing that warm smile he always does.

You felt a warmth flood into your cheeks and couldn't hold back a grin.

Well played.

He then explained this poison and how it affected your mind and body. He said that it would have to be smoked in a certain way to prevent anything too weird from happening.

"So, it's weed?" You confirmed.

"Not just any weed! It's the rarest of them all." He corrected you.

"I feel so honored." You said, batting your eyelashes and placing your hand on your chest.

"Shut up and light the damm thing." He stated as he gave you the joint.

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