Sam, Lucille, Iris, & Milo

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- Sam was born in the 2010's, Iris was born in the 1980's, Milo was born in the 1970's, and Lucille was born in the 1850's. Due to all being born from different eras, they confuse each other sometimes.

- None of them can age physically nor mentally.

- They all hang out together on a daily basis.

Sam Williams

- He died when he was 13.

- His mother, Karen, abandoned him when he was 8, right after his father Johnny was killed by Sally. Sam was then left at an orphanage. He spent three years there until Sally's mom and stepdad took him home with them.

- With Sally gone, her parents saw Sam as sort of her replacement. While not adopting him, they made him call them "Mom" and "Dad." They sent him to the school Sally would've gone to if she ever went to middle school. They made him go to ballet class as Sally had once done. They even made him sleep in Sally's room and didn't change anything in it, shoving Sam's belongings into the back of the closet. Sam was very lonely, and he felt as though he wasn't seen as his own person. He lived like this for two years.

- After Sam was killed by Sally, he wandered from place to place until he ended up in the Rocky Mountains. That was where he found Odessa, one of Slenderman's proxies, who took him under her wing. She manipulated him into relying on her, and she makes him call her "Mother." She tells him he's like her because, according to what she's told him, she was also betrayed by her family. Sam is scared of her, but he's also scared of leaving her.

- None of the abuse from Odessa that Sam deals with is sexual: it's all emotional and mental, though Odessa won't hesitate to slap him across the face sometimes.

- It took Sam a while for him to open up to Milo and Iris and Lucille, but it was worth it for him in the end, because the first time in years, he had friends.

- He lives with Odessa in her shack, but he's not targeted by Slenderman because Slenderman thinks he's useless.

- Sam was exposed to weapons at a young age, as Johnny had a collection of firearms. He knows a lot about guns.

- Although he's not blood related to Sally and Ben, he still considers them family. He's tried to forgive Sally for killing him, but due to Odessa's manipulation, he's finding it very hard. He also doesn't know how to feel about Ben.

- Sam doesn't know how to feel about Ella. They're on mostly good terms, but Sam is also uncomfortable around her, like he is around her mother.

- He sometimes goes out of his way to help Iris and Milo with their English.

Lucille Stoner

- She died when she was 12.

- Lucille died in a housefire one night in her home in Ireland in the 1850's. When she died, she was wearing a hazy navy blue nightgown and had her ginger hair tied back in a ponytail with a big lavender bow.

- Her eyes are the color of copper.

- She has burns on both her face and hands, as she had been trying to open the door to her bedroom but was burned in the process. The burns on her face are from a piece of burning wood that fell on top of her from the roof. The tips of her hair are also singed. But despite the burns, she ended up dying of smoke inhalation.

- At first, Lucille didn't know she was dead. She tried searching for her family around town, but when people noticed her, all they did was scream and run away. Lucille eventually found where she was buried, and she was absolutely devastated. She traveled around Ireland for several decades until she decided to visit Italy, where she had always wanted to go. That's where she met Milo.

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