Bianchi Estate

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Eleanora's Pov

To say I was nervous would be an under statement. I was fisting and unfisting my hands trying to calm my nerves as I was sat in a car looking outside the window. This is the first time in almost 5 years that I've left my home.

The only thing that has kept me sane and connected to the outside world was my laptop and my best friend Lucas.

Lucas was also my neighbor and he came to our house quite often with his parents who are real angles. He and his family knew that my parents are strict but they never knew the horror I face in the place I call home.

The laptop was given to me so I could complete my Junior High School online and won't have to leave the house.

I was always thankful that they haven't taken it back from me and let me keep it under strick rules that I knew better than to break.

Which is why I never added Lucas online. I only talked to him in person and now that I maybe could I didn't get a chance to ask for his contact because of how fast everything happened.

Since yesterday everything has changed in my life. My mother and stepfather got into an accident killing my mom and sending my stepfather to the hospital in a very critical situation.

Like everyday I was at home cooking dinner when police knocked on the front door. They told me about the accident and took me to the station.

As soon as I heard the news my first question was that what will happen to me? Where will I go?

The officers were really friendly and tried their best to make me relax but I couldn't. My anxiety was killing me.

I've heard online about the horrors of orphanages and foster homes. I couldn't leave one hell just to step into another.

After hours of sitting at the station and panicking thinking about everything that could go wrong, my social worker came in.

She told me that my brothers have agreed to take me in. I was shocked. I had gone through every possible scenario in my head but never did I even think about this.

Don't get me wrong it's not like I didn't know about them, I always did. But I had lost all hope to ever meet them again.

When dad and mom divorced I was only 5 years old. Mom took my custody while dad took my brothers. After the divorce I started living with mom at the other side of the city almost a hour away from them.

Dad only came to visit me once which was a month after the divorce and gave me a teddy bear which I named bebby. I still have it, maybe because it was the last gift that I received with no bad intentions.

When he came that night he was drunk and got into an argument with mom constantly blaming her for cheating on him. The last thing he said before leaving the house shaped my whole childhood.

"Fine then! The boys are mine and Evelyn is yours now. You don't go near my children and I won't go near yours"

I didn't think that he was serious. I always believed he would come back for me. It was the first time I had seen him drunk I thought he was sick and didn't know what he was saying.

But I was too naive. I never saw him after that but he kept sending money for me that my mother happily accepted.

After he died my oldest brother Andrei sent a letter to mom saying that he will continue to send the child support because it was dad's wish.

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