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Eleanora's Pov

It was now 3 pm and I couldn't sleep because any time I was about to drift off Sandro would move and my eyes would shot open due to the movement.

Even if I tried to I couldn't sleep. Movement in my bed is my worst fear. I'm incapable of convincing myself that I'm safe and nothing is gonna happen again. 

I sighed looking at the clock and went outside the room. I sat on the sofa stretching my arms and legs that had gone stiff because I didn't dare to move even a little and disturb Sandro's sleep.

I really wanted to sleep on the sofa in the living room but I don't know if my brothers would like that or not. I mean they did give me a place to sleep even if they hate me, so I'm not gonna disrespect them by sleeping here.

I then went to the kitchen trying to avoid going back to bed for as long as I could. I took out all the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies.

I decided to make a big batch because I know my brothers can't cook so I would put the extras in a jar so they could have some.

I got to work and as I was kneading the dough Gio walked in. I think midnight meetings might become our thing.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked trying to be polite although I didn't know if he would like me talking to him.

"Woke up to use the loo and saw you weren't in the room. Came to check" He told me casually as if it wasn't a big thing for him to come and check up on me. I couldn't help but feel a foreign sense of safety and security.

"I just couldn't sleep so I decided to make some cookies" I told him trying my best not to get nervous by his presence.

"I'm guessing you really like midnight snacks" He said talking a seat on the kitchen island in front of me.

"I like cooking and baking no matter the time" I shrugged and took out a baking sheet.

"Would you like some?" I asked as I started to make small balls of the dough. Gio was just sitting there and intently looking at everything I was doing.

"Sure'' He replied just like last time.

"Did no one actually eat anything today?" I don't know why I asked this, maybe I was concerned for them after all they are my brothers.

I was feeling guilty that I only made food for myself and Gio. It's not something new for me to cook for everyone, maybe I could make food for them too.

"Everyone only had coffee expect me ofcourse" He replied casually.

"So they slept on empty stomach?" I asked furrowing my brows. After he replied with a "Ya" guilt seeped deeper inside me.

"I'm so sorry. I'll make food for them too from tomorrow" I said quickly, hating myself for my poor decision yesterday.

"That's not necessary. You are free to make only your own meal" He told me in a very formal tone.

"No it won't be a bother. I can just make a big batch of whatever I'm making for us" I rushed out my words not wanting to talk about this topic that's making me extremely guilty.

"It's up to you" He said and I gave him a nod turning back around to the baking sheet and squished the dough to flatten it.

"Does anyone have any allergies?" I asked taking out the chocolate chips.

"No" He replied.

"What are you guys doing?" Xavier asked confused, entering the kitchen.

"She's making cookies" Gio said and turned back to see what I was doing. He looks really interested in the whole baking process.

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