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Eleanora's Pov

I looked up and saw a man probably of Andrei's age who looked anything but happy right now. He had tattoos which were showing through the collar and sleeves of the expensive suit he was wearing.

"Are you blind?" He gritted through his teeth, looking extremely irritated as he brushed his suit to get the excess liquid off.

I didn't know what to say. His presence alone was so intimidating and to top it of he was angry at me. I swear it was just an accident and if anything, it was his fault because he came in my way and was walking with such long strides that I couldn't see him on time but I doubt that he's going to admit it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you" I said nervously as he kept looking at me displeased.

"Why the hell were you even roaming around here? You should've stayed with whoever brought you here" He snapped at me. His voice harsh and violent.

Even Andrei hasn't spoken to me like that, who I believe to be the scariest of my brothers. I couldn't help but feel scared as palms started to sweat and the glass in my hand became slippery.

How dare this man speak to me like that? Aaron said that it my house too so he can't just stand here and insult me like he owns this place. I'm not gonna take shit from him but will I dare to speak in front of him? Obviously not!

This man looks dangerous, he's probably in the Mafia and works for my brothers. He doesn't seem to have any idea who I am, he thinks I'm their friend or someone they know and am wondering around without them knowing.

Should I tell him that I'm their sister? Or should I just run to my room and hide myself somewhere? I probably should just apologize again.

"Can you just speak up? Who the fuck are you?" Just then I realize that I've been frozen in my spot, staring at him through unshed tears and with no words coming out of my mouth.

"Dante?" Xander said as he descended the stairs and came to stand beside me, facing the man I now know is Dante.

His name sounds familiar. Now that I think about it, even his face seems like I seen him before, maybe online. Even though I don't trust Xander and I'm extremely mad at him, I know he will protect me from Dante if he decides to randomly snap my neck, seeing how deadly he looks, it won't be a shock.

I scoot closer to Xander and hold onto the sleeve of his sweatshirt, tugging on it to indicate that I'm not comfortable in this situation. He understands what I'm trying to say and brings his hand around my waist, pulling me towards him. I instantly feel a little more calm than before and I think I can make out of here alive.

"What happened?" Xander asked seeing how pissed off Dante looks.

"Ask your girlfriend" Dante replied rolling his eyes in annoyance. Ew! Why would he think that? Probably because Xander has his arm around me. But still that's gross!

"She's not my girlfriend Dante. She's..." Xander trailed off.

Why wouldn't he just tell him that I'm his sister? Is he ashamed of me? Does he not want people to know that I'm his sister? I shouldn't have been here.

"Whoever she is. She threw her drink at me"

"Accidentally" I whispered to Xander but unfortunately Dante heard it too.

"That accident wouldn't have happened if you had used your fucking eyes while walking" He snapped again. Why won't he just let this topic go? 

"She didn't mean to" Xander tried to defend me. I was surprised he's taking my side in this.

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