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Eleanora's Pov

Like always, Arius and I are sitting together at his side of the cafeteria table while my brothers are occasionally throwing disapproving glances our way.

Honestly, what do they expect me to do? I don't have any class with my boyfriend and the only hope we had of spending time together; the band practice, isn't happening anymore. Because our exams will be starting next month so all club activities has been put on hold.

If it was up to my brothers, they would rather prefer me to have no friend of the opposite gender. But thankfully it's not their right to decide. Not anymore.

Arius will be graduating soon along side both sets of my twin brothers. I don't know what our relationship dynamic would be but he said we could always get admission in the same college, once I graduate as well.

"Ofcourse I'll miss you." Arius whispers back.

"I'll miss you too, but.... I'm scared things are gonna change if you're gone." I bit my lip in embarrassment.

I know I sound stupid and childish telling him that he's gonna change when he clearly reassures me everyday that he'll forever be in love with me.

I crave for attention and love, and no matter how much I get of it, I always want more. Especially from my boyfriend.

I would've rather kept this silly concern to myself, if Arius hadn't been so encouraging for me voicing my opinions.

He always wants me to communicate. He hates it when I don't tell him what's wrong. So lately, I've been trying to be more vocal.

I kept absentmindedly drawing patterns on his bare forearm as he has his sleeves folded. I'm almost clinging to his side with our thighs and torso touching.

He leans forward to whisper in my ear and his breath fans over the nape of my neck causing goosebumps to appear.

"Nothing will change, amore. At the end of the day, we're both the same people who're madly in love, whether they see each other everyday or not." I smile and he gently pecks my forehead.

"I don't think Andrei allowed that." Sandro scrunch up his face looking between Arius and I.

"He didn't say anything against it either." I protested rolling my eyes.

Beside me Arius chuckles and as usual Felix instantly becomes invested in the whole scene. My brother's friends and girlfriends silently watch what happens as it is a daily occurrence.

"He did. You're not allowed to touch or kiss him."

"He kissed me." I argue and slap Kyson's hand away when he tried to take my arm to pull me towards himself.

"So you didn't like that?" Felix teases with a smirk.

"Arius!" I turn to him for support.

He instantly tells his brother to shut up and Felix leans back on his chair sending a wink my way. If he wasn't my boyfriend's brother, I would definitely have my brothers beat him up for being such a pain in the ass.

I think my brothers are a horrible influence on me. I've started to prefer violence over dealing with bullshit, although I only do that when I want to annoy but brothers, that to the younger ones. But still, it's not a commendable preference.

I've also become quite bratty. I don't settle for anything less than what I'm in mood for. And my family being who they are, they happily get me what I want.

It doesn't help that even my boyfriend likes to spoil me. He never gets mad at me, no matter how horribly I mess up. He always does what I want him to.

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