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Eleanora's Pov

"Grandma!" I hand her my phone.

Her eyes widen as she takes a look at the screen. It's a photo of Arius who happens to be standing in his shirtless glory in front of a mirror with a towel wrapped around his waist, flaunting his abs and biceps.

He looks majestic.

"Why is he sending you such photos?" She asks narrowing her eyes at me.

"Because I asked him to." I grin. "But I asked for nudes and he said he doesn't do nudes so that's the most I get." I sigh disappointingly.

"That's fair, don't force him into it. And I'm warning you Nora I might be a cool grandma but no sharing of any sort of inappropriate pictures," She gives me a stern look and then her expressions fall into playful. "from your side."

"So if he wants to share I can take a peak right?" I smile innocently.

I like how easy these topics are to discuss with the ladies in my family. They're much more open and understanding of how I feel.

And when Aunt Bianca told me about her teenage days... Let's just say they all agree that mine are fairly well handled.

I haven't told them that Arius and I had taken our relationship to the next level —or more like started it from the next level— but I know they won't judge me for that either.

I have developed a sort of comfort with them since I told them I officially had a boyfriend now.

I love taking advice from them whenever I start overthinking about how much I'm a burden on Arius or what if he gets fed up of me and stops liking me.

They always reassure that he's completely whipped for me but I don't know how true that is.

Grandma shake her head losing the battle. "I won't stop you from having a little bit of fun in your golden days." She winks at me.

Next to me Aunt Bianca laughs and takes the phone to inspect the photo again. Then she points to something while showing it to Aunt Ava and they both giggle.

"What is it?" I inquire drawing my eyebrows together. I'm sure he wasn't hard because I looked.

"Did you pay attention to the background?" Aunt Ava asks handing me my phone.

I shake my head and look closely. As I zoom into his bed side table there's a photo frame. And it has a picture of me from the Mafia Gala.

"Oh my god! That's so cute!" I couldn't help but aww.

"What's so cute?" Zion has the worst timing ever. Can't I just have my girly moments in this house full of men?

"Nothing." I shut my lips tightly to prevent any form of rambling.

"There's sure something." He narrows his eyes at me.

"It's a cute puppy video."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is. You know what? I'm so sick of you guys thinking I'm lying. I- I'm going to my room."

I flare up for no reason and I sure look more suspicious now. But since Zion knows I'm not actually super serious he just chuckles and I leave the living room after sending him my most scary glare.

I'm quite relieved that even after everything that happened yesterday, my oldest brothers aren't judging me and everything is still perfectly fine between us.

Being caught by your brothers while giving a head is the worst thing that could happen to anyone. It still makes my skin crawl when I think about it.

Later the evening, Arius avoided directly addressing either of the three Capos and instead kept busy making small talks with my Uncles and Santiago that were the safest option.

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