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Eleanora's Pov

"Shopping?" Xavier suggests.

"I just want to stay home" I sigh and add. "How about we order something and play a board game?"

I don't want to spoil his mood but I can't go outside. It's been four days since my failed abduction but I still feel uneasy and restless. It's not everyday that you experience something like that.

Everyone has been trying to cheer me up. I'm constantly offered company to do some fun activity or buy things I like or simply talk, but I can't do anything.

Yesterday even grandpa offered to take me out but I don't think he really understands what I'm so freaked out by. Because he suggested a shooting range to 'blow out the exhaustion'.

I declined like I had been everyday. Even after the reassurance of my family that the incident won't be repeated, it didn't provide me a single bit of relief.

Other than the gut wrenching sight of fresh blood and murder, I'm horrified by the thought of my boyfriend being in this line of work.

I'm still mad at him. He should've told me who he really was. I might not be the best of person myself but a selfish and toxic part of me still expect him to be perfect. Truthful. Caring. Complaint.

Since Andrei had cleared my mind last time, yesterday I decided to take this matter to him. He heard my whole argument and simply said that British Mafia aren't too different from our own family. 

He explained how Bianchis and Ashfords run their 'business' fairly and ethically. And if I can make space in my heart for my family knowing that they're criminals then Ashfords deserve a chance too.

He advised me to not let Arius' work define him and cloud my judgement. That I should remember how he treats me and talk to him about my doubts.

When I told Andrei I'm not replying to any of his texts, since he doesn't call as per my request, he said the same thing as Gio to 'take my time and decide when I'm in my right mindset'.

Whenever I lean towards forgiving him, my brain reminds me that no one gets to choose their family but I can choose what type of person I want as my boyfriend.

"Nora" Silas called coming in the living room and sitting across from me. "Grandfather called you to his office"

"What for?" I sat up straight and all the melancholy mixed with laziness washed away, replaced with confusion and worry.

"I don't know. He only said he's expecting you to be there in five minutes"

I don't know what in the world would grandpa want to discuss with me. Either he has another absurd idea to lift my mood or he might want to discuss Arius and I.

But I'm not interested in any of the two topics. If I'm obligated to talk, then I might as well take someone I can trust to handle the situation.

"Where's Andrei?"

Since the attack grandpa ordered for all of us to shift with him for some time. I really appreciate that because I truly felt safer always having someone around to check up on me.

"Out for a meeting"

Just like that in the next minute, Silas cross off all my hopes including both the uncles, grandma, Dante and Zion. I don't even know how they're all so busy today.

I could've taken someone else but I doubt they'd speak up for me. The aunts are always too polite with grandpa while the rest of the brothers are scared of him.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine. You're his favorite, maybe he just wants to spend some time with you" Aaron tried to ease some of my tension but we both knew grandpa doesn't want to spend time with anyone. Maybe grandma but that's about it.

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