Siblings Weekend

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Dante's Pov

I tilted my neck groaning at the rigidness of it and stopped only when I heard a satisfying crack.

I haven't slept last night. I don't know why I was waiting for her call all night but I was worried she might need something.

It wasn't until 4 in the morning that I finally dozed off, only to be woken up after 3 hours according to my usual schedule. I really need some rest.

"Where's Nora?" Gio asked taking a seat at the dining table. He returned around two last night and isn't aware of what's going on.

"Asleep maybe. We haven't checked up on her" Sandro informed.

"And why didn't you go check up on her? You know she doesn't sleep this late" It's only eight in the morning but that's late according to her usual.

All of my brothers were looking at either me, Zion or Andrei to answer Gio. We on the other hand had no intention to help them. They are old enough to know that it's not a taboo topic.

It they won't think of it as normal than obviously Nora is gonna hesitate the next time as well. They are all behaving so immature. She was right to not seek their help last night, they would've overreacted.

Aaron was suppressing a laugh while Theo shook his head looking at Rowan who was turning red as well as the rest. Gio was confused at what's happening and asked again.

"What is it? Is she ok?"

"She's fine... She on... you know..." Silas trailed off. I haven't seen this little pain in the ass shy before.

"Crack?" Gio asked shocked. This dumb fuck!

He was immediately on his feet and looking at us worried that something has happened again. I don't blame him, I would've reacted the same way if Silas was acting so bloody suspicious.

"Fuck! No!" Theo said with distaste.

"She's on her periods" Andrei said and Gio finally sat back down exhaling deeply.

"So you guys just left her alone?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Don't act like you're the only one who cares for her" Zion said in annoyance.

I told him everything I did and gave myself a metal pat on the back when he approved. He's a doctor, he's more confident about the situation than we are. We simply know nothing.

"Sorry I'm late" Nora entered the dining room giving us all a nervous smile.

We all greeted her as she took a seat that conveniently happens to be next to me. Yes I moved Aaron's seat so she can be close to me. I already don't get enough time with her.

"This all looks delicious. Who made it?" She asked eyeing everything on the table.

"Me and Dante" Rowan replied with a proud smile. We are the only two among all brothers who know the basic life skill of cooking.

"I set up the table" Zion chirped in like the attention seeker he is.

I filled up her glass with her favorite mango juice while Zion served her breakfast. We all started eating and everyone was talking about what they did the whole week.

Before Nora, we rarely took time off work. It wasn't like we had too much to do, there's too many people in our family to take turns handling work shit but we just never felt the need to spend time together.

The younger ones in the family would hangout a lot, going to school and parties together and us the older ones, simply met at office so these family weekends weren't a thing at our house.

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