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Eleanora's Pov

"I'm sorry for not responding, I'm not mad at you. See you at dinner tomorrow" I read out loud and look up from my phone to where three of my eldest brothers are seated. "Is this good?" I ask expectantly.

"Scratch that 'sorry'. You don't have to apologize just because you wanted some time to think. You did nothing wrong" Ofcourse Dante won't accept that his sister could ever be at fault.

"But I should've atleast told him that I needed space. Poor boy kept texting me day and night" A pang of guilt hit me as I think of how he must've felt.

"Exactly my point. If you were ignoring him, he should've stopped texting. He's too desperate" Dante grumbles.

"But then I would've felt worse. Like he doesn't even care..." I trail off uneasy with the thought.

Before Dante could engage in yet another argument where I'll have to defend my innocent baby, Zion interferes.

"I think the text is fine. You can send it"

"Ok, I'm going with it" I wait for any protests but when none came, I press send and an instant panic sets in.

"Oh God, I should've done this sooner. What if he doesn't wanna talk now? Should I apologize again? He doesn't even know I was mad because he's in the Mafia. He's gonna think I'm pissed off for no reason even after he saved my life-" I start my nervous rambling for the forth time today but Andrei cuts me off.

"Let's just not think what he must be thinking right now. You'll know when he replies" I nod and sit back in my chair.

Zion pass me some mango juice and I take a small sip to calm down. Even the beautiful view of the city that I absolutely loved last time, isn't doing a thing to cheer me up.

But I'm glad I came here today. I really needed to clear my mind and what's better for that than the company I enjoy and people who understand me.

Although I should let them work and not indulge them in my problems but I really couldn't solve the 'Arius' issue by myself. And I desperately needed to get out of that house.

Grandpa reassured that Damon won't be in the same place as me again but I still wanted to leave after everything that happened yesterday.

I was dreading stepping outside after the attack but now I didn't even feel safe inside. So I took a brilliant decision of coming to 'Bianchi Corporation' with my brothers. And so far it's proving to be an amazing idea.

When we reached here, Zion's neverending love for coffee had him ordering 'energy boosters' for everyone but mango juice for me as that is my forever favorite.

As our drinks came, he asked if I wanted to talk about what's bothering me and I haven't shut up since. They already knew that I have feelings for Arius so I also disclosed that I promoted him to be my boyfriend.

Because they're experts at concealing their emotions, they didn't react much but I could see that the new information startled them quite a bit.

They must've thought I'll want to rant about Damon and how they've kept him in the basement but I was already done with the topic yesterday.

I've said as much as I wanted to. I yelled at my family for not considering it important to inform me if they had my rapist in the same mansion as me.

I didn't agree with what they had done. I never wished for his torture, they should've killed him already. But after he confessed how many innocent lives he destroyed, I was more onboard with having him suffer till his last breath.

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