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Eleanora's Pov

I woke up feeling better than ever. I was too comfortable to even open my eyes. As I shifted closer to my pillow I realized that it had a heartbeat.

My eyes shot open and I saw my face was buried into someone's chest. I turned my head up a little and saw Xavier looking straight at me. He had soften expressions on his face and he didn't try to move even an inch rather he was waiting to see what I'd do.

I realized I wasn't holding my blanket, it was his t-shirt. I tried to figure out how the hell was I in this position when suddenly it dawned on me. Last night's events came crashing on me.

They'll know now. The twins have seen me panicking last night. If they had their suspensions before, now they'll know for sure that my nightmares aren't bad dreams. Those are memories.

Now everyone will question me about it. What will I tell them? What is there left to say? They won't believe any of my lies anymore!

I was dumb to cry on Xavier's shoulder last night. He doesn't even like me. He must've comforted me as a formality. I shouldn't have put him in this situation.

"I'm sorry" I said and moved away from him sitting up on the bed as he did the same.

"Are you ok?" He asked, his voice coming out groggy but slightly concerned as he looked at me intently.

"Yes. Sorry I overreacted last night" I tried to act as normal as I could and pushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"It's fine... where are you going?" He asked as I got up from the bed sliding my slippers on.

"Bathroom" I replied and rushed to the attached bathroom.

When I got inside I broke down crying. I was worried of how everyone will react now. What will be different? Will they try to force the truth out of me? Or will they start treating me like a charity case?

I didn't want this to happen. I will do anything to change what happened last night. I don't want to tell any of them what happened to me. Telling it to anyone will break me. I don't want to break myself any further than I already am. I just want to keep my last pieces!

I splashed cold water on my face and tried to even my breathing. I then freshened up and twisted the door knob with shaky hands exiting the bathroom.

I saw Xavier was laying on my bed stretching his arms and legs. He probably was really uncomfortable throughout the night. As he saw me he got up and went to the bathroom after giving me a short nod.

I made my way downstairs and saw the rest of my brothers sitting in the living room except Andrei who was doing the dishes.

I looked at the clock and my eyes widened upon seeing the time. It was 11 am. I never sleep that late. I've not slept this much in more than 5 years.

"Good morning Nora" Gio greeted me as I entered the living room.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize... I overslept... just give me 20 minutes I'll prepare the breakfast" I rushed out my words as I put my hair up in a bun getting into work mode.

"We already had breakfast" Sandro said and guilt seeped deeper and deeper inside me.

"I'm so sorry-" I started but Andrei cut me off.

"It's ok Nora. You can sleep late. You don't get enough sleep anyways" He said in his usual formal tone that wasn't reassuring at all.

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded and went to make my breakfast. Gio offered to make eggs for me but I politely refused and prepared it myself.

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