Man Whores

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Eleanora's Pov

All four of the girls were now smiling at me nervously. They've just seen a glimpse of what happens if you mess with me and now they're worried that I'm gonna snitch on them.

I might've thought that my brothers won't take my side against their girls but seeing how scared they look, they aren't confident about how much support they're gonna get from my brothers.

The thought of telling my brothers how their girlfriends threatened me, crossed my mind. But I think it's the end of their petty bullying for a bunch of rude guys. If they do it again, I'm gonna tell on them.

"How rude of you to not introduce us guys" One of the two new boys said smirking at my brothers to which Kyson rolled his eyes and spoke.

"You heard already, this is our sister Eleanora" Kyson looked bored and didn't bother telling me the guy's name.

"Hi Eleanora. Seeing how your brothers aren't doing a good job at it, let me introduce myself. I'm Felix Ashford. It's my pleasure to finally meet the Italian princess" The guy who I now know is Felix, brought his hand forward giving me a charming smile. He looked cute!

I was about to place my hand in his for a handshake when Sandro took hold of my hand and I turned to look at him confused. I thought everyone on this table were friends with my brothers.

"Ya this is Felix and that is his older brother Arius" Sandro said as a formality and gestured to the other new boy.

"Hi" Arius said with his voice coming out cold and harsh.

He had the same authoritative aura around him that my brothers do. If any of my brothers were gay, I would definitely ship them with him. They have the same vibe.

Even though he was so similar to my brothers, his eyes weren't distant like my brother's were when I first met them. His gaze was gentle on me.

Between the two brothers I think Felix is the more fun one. He's charming and an extrovert. While Arius has a more laid back personality and I think he's an introvert or maybe he's shy with new people.

"Hi" I said to both the brothers and while Arius nodded at me, Felix grinned at Sandro.

The three guys that I'm pretty sure my brothers bully, came back with our lunch. Xavier changed his drink with mine so I could have mango juice and we all started eating.

I glanced in Luce's direction only to find him already looking my way. I smiled at him and turned around so my brothers won't notice which they don't seem to. I want to talk to him but I know this isn't the right time.

Hugo started talking about how he wants to try for basketball this year and get in my brother's team. Soon the conversation shifted to the topics of clubs in our school.

"Can I see that?" I asked as Nate handed a paper to Fransisco which had all the clubs and their trial's dates written on it.

Fransisco handed me the paper and I quickly scanned it to find the one I like and I was over the moon when I saw 'music' there. I took a picture of the paper and handed it back.

I have a passion for singing and I'm very confident in it. If I join the school's band, I could also meet Luce without a problem as he's the lead singer in it. So I think I'm gonna audition for that.

"Did you like any?" Kayden asked me as his girl sucked on his neck. Gross!

"Ya a few. But I haven't decided yet" I shrugged, not wanting to hear my brother's disapproval in public.

"Aren't you gonna introduce your girlfriends?" I whispered to Sandro.

"They aren't our girlfriends, they're..." He trailed off not knowing the right word to describe their relationship.

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