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Eleanora's Pov

"Eleanora" Grandpa called and brought everyone's attention to him. 

The whole dining room fell silent. All eyes were on us to see exactly what it is that this scary old man wants to talk to me about. Everyone was as curious as me but I'd be lying if I say curiosity was my only emotion right now.

I was freaking out. I started thinking about each and everything I've done in these two month to try and figure out what went wrong. Grandpa didn't even bother with a proper introduction so him suddenly deciding to talk to me is really terrifying.

"Yes" I replied nervously with all my attention on him.

When I first came here Andrei didn't like that I didn't answer verbally and didn't even make eye contact, so I'm definitely not going to repeat this mistake with grandpa. Who knows what he looks like when he's mad?

"How is living with your brothers? Are they treating you well?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, all six of my brothers tensed up, even Gio who hasn't done anything to me. Aaron started to scratch his neck uncomfortably while Andrei opened the first two buttons of his shirt to breath properly.

Sandro started to tap his nails on the table, visibly nervous but the funniest were the twins. They knew they have done some pretty horrible things and they were dreading what's going to happen.

They looked at me wide eyed and gulped hard, they definitely think I'm gonna tell grandpa everything. It's so funny to see my cold and scary brothers fear someone, I would pay to see this again. Wouldn't it be more hilarious if I actually snitch on them?

"Yes. Everything's good" I replied in my best convincing voice but grandpa seems to not believe me.

He takes a quick glance at my brothers and I'm sure he can see how scared they are right now. I tried my best, if anything they brought it upon themselves.

"I want all six of you in Andrei's office after breakfast" Grandpa ordered and I swear I saw my brother's visibly pale.

"Actually we're taking Nora shopping after breakfast" Xavier said without missing a beat. Good excuse brother!

"We're going today?" I asked too excited because I actually am.

"Ya, you need stuff for school" Sandro said more for grandpa than me.

"That can wait" Grandpa said sternly and my brothers didn't dare to argue any further.

"Nooo" I whined without thinking.

I really want to go outside. I want to see how the real world looks like. It might be a small thing for everyone else but just being in a mall would be such an accomplishment for me. I'm done seeing everything online. Now that I have a chance, I don't want it to slip. It would be the first time in five years that I'm going out to shop.

Still I shouldn't have went against grandpa's decision because now the air in the room has gone denser. Everyone has subtle shocked expressions on their faces, they were not expecting me to argue. Honestly, neither was I.

Grandpa's hard glare fell on me and I tried my best not to squirmer in my seat but I know everyone can see my discomfort in this situation.

"I mean... It's just that... It's ok we can go later... or the next day or not at all" I try to make sense of my words and the best thing I could've done right now was to agree with grandpa.

"No. You guys can go" He said with neutral expressions and a bored look on his face.

If everyone weren't shocked before, now they definitely were. I could feel that grandpa doesn't usually go against his decisions. Maybe I just got lucky?

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