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Eleanora's Pov

We get home and to my irritation my grandparents, uncles, aunt Ava, Aaron and Theo along with my oldest three brothers are waiting for us. I know why they are here.

We exchange greeting as I was too tired for hugs. I reluctantly sit on the sofa across from them, as a formality. I hate being in this situation.

Ella scurries inside with three glasses of juice handing one to me, Gio and Aunt Bianca because we just returned home.

"How was your day bambina?" Zion knows the forbidden topic so he isn't mentioning it.

"It was good" I replied not wanting to get into details as my annoyance seems to keep growing.

"And the band practice?" Dante tried to make small talk. They are all just beating around the bush.

"Good... Can I go to my room, I'm a bit tired"

"Sure. Dinner's in half an hour, we'll see you then" Uncle Ezra suggested.

I thought I'm gonna be caught up in another questioning session but thank god they're keeping me out of it. I'll rather have them talk behind my back than engage me in an another uncomfortable conversation.

I nodded and left the living room without a word. I know what they want to talk about. All of them are too eager to find out about my doctor's appointment. I hope it's because they care and not because they're disgusted or entertained.

I lock the door as soon as I enter my room with every feeling of uneasiness clouding my brain. I wanted to rip the whole mansion apart. I wanted to take out my rage that have been building inside me for years.

But instead I dropped to my knees, unable to understand what I should do. Heavy tears started streaming down my face and the whole evening was playing in my head like a broken record.

I was overjoyed when the doctor told me that there was nothing wrong with me. My liver seems to be fine, they also checked my kidneys, heart, even my eyes and did a full body scan to determine if there was any bone damage because I looked a little weak considering my age.

The blood and urine reports are yet to come but I'm hopefully that they'll be fine as well.

Everything was fine with me atleast physically but after the uncomfortable gyno exam, my whole mood changed.

I found out that I had a miscarriage two years ago that I had no idea about. The doctor reassured that it's nothing to worry about now but I was unable to hear her.

All of a sudden I was suffocating sitting across from her and hearing the news I didn't know was the most unfortunate or fortunate of my life.

If it weren't for Aunt Bianca's hand that came to hold mine, I would've had a panic attack. I couldn't understand that how did I not find out sooner.

I was always so aware of my menstrual cycle and asked Damon for pregnancy kits whenever I had the smallest bit of doubt, then how did I not know?

By the time we exited her office, my breathing was unsteady and eyes were red. I didn't think for a second before pulling Gio into a hug. He was equally confused and worried about what the gynecologist said that left me in such a state. 

He refrained from asking as he knew it wasn't the appropriate time and simple took me to the car with Aunt Bianca following behind.

The whole ride, I was sobbing on Aunt Bianca's shoulder until we reached home and I composed myself.

I don't even know what to feel. I don't know if I should be happy or sad that I lost my baby. I don't know what I would've done or what my life would've been like if Damon knew about it and decided to keep it. 

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