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Eleanora's Pov

"Congratulations girl, I knew you'll make it. It calls for a party" Liliana smiled at me which is too contagious and one appears on my face as well.

"How about my place tomorrow?" She suggests before I could say anything.

I don't think my family would allow me to go to a friend's house. And I won't ask right now so I don't give an impression of using my past to get permission for stuff they might not normally agree with.

"I don't think so" I declined awkwardly.

"No problem I can understand, my parents don't allow me to visit every friend's house either. How about you sit with me for lunch tomorrow, I'll accept that as an alternative" She winks at me.

"That can work" I agreed, deciding that I have to stop worrying about what my brothers might think. I'd be sitting with my friend and if there's another boy on the table than that's not my problem.

I'm really glad to have found a friend in Liliana. She's always so understanding and supportive. And have literally been begging me to sit with her at lunch. We parted ways to go to our respective lectures and I met Jake right after.

"Hi popular girl" He teased as we enter our next class.

"Hi Jake" I replied dryly and rolled my eyes. Ever since my selection in the band I'm all the more known in our school and I hate it.

"How do you know Liliana?" He asked all of a sudden. He must've seen her with me earlier.

"We have a few classes together. We've kinda become friends" His mouth formed into an 'O' shape but he didn't comment about it.

"By the way did you do the homework? Let's go compare answers" He offered changing the subject as I gave him a weird look.

"I'm pretty sure I don't need to worry about it" I gave him a fake proud look and we took our seats next to each other.

Jake and I have wordlessly strated sitting together in every class we share. He always saves a seat for me as he's usually early. I think we connected alot when we both were getting bullied by the same person.

Dexton has transferred from our school and his group remains silent ever since his beating in the cafe. Jake was over the moon that finally he can enjoy some peace at school.

I've discovered that he's an amazing study partner. He always helps me if I get stuck somewhere. He shares the same passion for studies that I do, I really admire that because many students lack that nowadays.

We both want to enjoy our school life while simultaneously keeping up our grades. He doesn't like to get in trouble either so we share that feeling too.

He wants to make his parents proud and learn to stand up for himself. I can really see the dedication and want hidden behind his jokes and sarcasm.

If I think about it, Jake and I have a lot in common and I've heard that's a good thing when you're trying to be friends.


I rush inside the auditorium that supposed to be our band's meeting and practicing spot. A round table with foldable chair is set up near the stage where Luce's already sitting waiting for everyone else to gather.

He looks my way and smiles which I return. My speed slows down as I realize I'm not late. Angus and Kai are still yet to come while Arlo sits quietly across from Luce.

As I get to the chair next to him, it's pushed back for me. I looked up and saw Arius holding it and waiting for me to slide in.

"Thank you" I sit giving him a quick smile to which he gave me a nod.

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