19: Testing Trust & Melting At His Touch

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Fluttering my eyes open, I was met with the sunset coming through Jimin's balcony doors. I stayed put on his chest, not moving one bit during our nap. Lifting my head off of him, I sat up and looked down to see he was still fast asleep, cooing little breaths.

I smiled at his pure state, letting him continue sleeping; he probably needed it. Gently and quietly, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

After finishing up, I slowly walked like a mouse over to his closet, trying not to wake him up. Successfully getting to my destination, I bent down to unzip my suitcases. Rethinking about the events that took place earlier today, I didn't feel like I overreacted when I packed my stuff up and threatened to leave.

But as always, Jimin and I made up. It was a toxic cycle, and I was either gonna have to work things out with him or accept that it would always be that way between us.

Taking all of my stuff out of my suitcase, I began putting all my bags and shoes back, followed by hanging my clothes back on his hangers on the side that he gave me. I also had put on some clean undies and biker shorts so I wasn't just strolling around half-naked.

As I was hanging some of my shirts back up, I heard a voice yelling. I dropped what I was doing and peeked out of the closet to see Jimin was now up and talking to someone on the phone on the balcony.

Not wanting to get in trouble, I ran back into the closet and continued my tasks. After finishing up, I zipped my suitcases back up, tucking them away neatly.

"Hi, kitten," Jimin whispers cutely, making me flinch and turn around to see him walking into the closet.

"Hi," I respond shyly as he starts to walk towards me.

"You hung your clothes back up," he observes, now putting his hands on my waist and making me blush.

I simply nodded and looked down in nervousness. I didn't know why I was so nervous right now; I was used to his dominance, but maybe I was just in the feels from our cute little nap we just took.

"D-Did you sleep good?" I ask, changing the subject as I look back up.

"Because of you, yes," he responds, bringing his hands up to my cheeks and rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip.

Shuttering at his contact, I blushed and looked down. He let out a little chuckle and removed his hands.

"That's good, I'm glad," I murmur shyly.

"I'm happy that you put all of your stuff back," he says, changing the subject again.

"...It's hard for me...This is all hard for me, Jimin," I explain, looking into his eyes with understanding.

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