45: The Birthday Boy & His Sexy Wife

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A few months later...

Today was the big day, Jimin's birthday. He was the big twenty-eight today, and I wanted him to have the best day ever. This month I've been planning with Ella, Tae, and the boys on what to do. 

We decided on taking Jimin to one of his clubs for a dinner celebration, cake, gifts, etc., so he could just relax and let loose. And of course, I would be giving him special treatment all day, because he deserved it.

The past few months have been wonderful. Jimin's been busy with work, but he's still been trying to help me around the house. And Pierre and Ms. Ann can't do everything, so I've stepped in a bit as the housewife around here.

Plus, Jimin let them take some days off during the week, since I wanted to do things like cook, clean, and do the laundry. I wanted to make the house really feel like it was ours, and Jimin supported that; he thought it was so cute.

We also picked one of the boy's old rooms across from us to be the nursery for the baby. I was a little over four months now, and Jimin was going crazy over my bump growing; he talked to the baby every day.

We weren't gonna find out the gender until a couple of months from now when we saw Mrs. Kim for my six-month check-up.

But I was gonna let Ella take the results and plan the gender reveal and baby shower all in one. Since that wouldn't happen until a couple of months before the baby was due, Jimin and I went for a more gender-neutral nursery with beige and nude tones throughout.

We've already been ordering stuff like the crib, the rocker, the changing table, etc., and still had tons more to do.

Getting out of bed quietly as a mouse, I headed to the bathroom to pee, brush my teeth, and redo my messy morning high bun before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs in my matching silk pajamas.

I made sure not to wake up Jimin because I wanted to surprise him by making him a birthday breakfast and bringing it back up to him. He was all curled up in a ball cooing little breaths when I left, making me smile at his innocence.

As I made my way into the kitchen, I got the pots and pans out to make pancakes, eggs, and turkey bacon, aka our favorite breakfast. Warming up the pans, I got the eggs and turkey bacon out of the fridge and put them onto the pan to cook.

After washing my hands, I started mixing up the pancake mix as I whistled while I worked. Being in my own world, I jumped in place and almost dropped the spatula when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my stomach, rubbing my growing bump.

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