28: Screaming For You

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After a few seconds of hearing Jimin and his mom arguing, I heard our front door shut, signally to me that Mrs. Park had finally left. Not knowing what Jimin's reaction would be, I took a deep breath...right as he barged through the bedroom door.

"What the fuck was that all about, huh?!" he shouts, slamming the door shut.

"Jimin, I-"

"No, you don't realize what you've caused now. She's gonna tell the whole damn world and I'll be fucked over," he hisses, pacing back and forth in front of our bed as he loosens his tie.

"...What? Are you ashamed of it?" I whimper, sitting up in bed.

"No...but she wasn't happy. She gave me many threats, I'm just-"

"Well, it sure sounds like you care what all of your elite friends will think. That's what's wrong with you rich snobby people; always giving a fuck what people think, always having to be picture-perfect," I grit with dark eyes, making him throw his tie on the floor.

"You know what's wrong? You not being able to keep your fucking mouth shut!" he argues, hitting his fist on the dresser.

We were clashing, I could feel it.

He was frustrated at me, at his mom, at work, all of it. This is what happened when we disagreed, he didn't know how to control his anger. I didn't even flinch at his words...I've gotten a little used to his outbursts now.

"Me not being able to keep my mouth shut? Your fucking mother was interrogating me like a damn investigator, Jimin. I had to shut her up somehow!" I yelp, getting out of the bed.

"And I tried to stick up for you, but I didn't think we were telling people yet, especially since it's still early in your pregnancy," he hisses, walking towards me.

"You know what? Forget about all of this fighting, I'm not in the mood right now," I whimper, shaking my head.

"Then, what are you in the mood for, hm?" he growls, unbuttoning his white dress shirt as he walks closer to me.

"Not you," I scoff, walking into the closet to get some pajamas.

"You're always in the mood for me, baby girl," he rasps as he takes off his YSL belt.

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