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One year later...

"Are the Park's ready for take-off?" the pilot announces on the intercom.

"YES!" all of the kids shout back, making me and Jimin chuckle at each other.

We were on our way to America for a full one-month vacation in my hometown...where Jimin had purchased a huge European-style home that was refurbished and laid on hundreds of acres.  He hired a whole team to watch over the farm when we weren't there, to take care of the grounds and all of the animals.

He told me it had a pool, tennis-courts, gardens, and a long pebble driveway, just like our mansion in Seoul. When he surprised me with the news a couple of weeks ago, I immediately broke down in tears, because he knew how much it meant to me to one day own an older historical home there.

The kids were on summer-break for school, and it was the perfect time to spend with my side of the family, and enjoy summer. We were currently on the private-jet that Jimin always rented, heading over the Pacific to our destination.

And I thought it was funny that Jimin could afford to buy a jet, yet he kept lecturing me on how it had depreciating value; that renting flights were much more money-savvy.

Even since the first day I met him, he was never superficial like his mom. Sure he had invested in the mansion for him and the boys, and of course had a couple of nice cars, but he never splurged on materialistic things.

It was only when I came into the picture that he started spoiling me with designer-jewelry and clothes. And he knew I was a humble small-town girl, not caring about any of that. But I just accepted it, because it came from him...and his precious heart.

Business has still been booming for Park Guns & Armor, so Jimin was glad to get out of the office and enjoy a much-needed vacation. We actually haven't traveled since God knows when, so we were pumped.

Honey just finished First Grade and Xander just finished Kindergarten. They did amazing and made so many new friends. And Ella finally gave birth to her little girl, whom she named Dove...and she's a spitting-image of Taehyung. The kids and Westin were so obsessed with her, always kissing her squishy little cheeks.

They actually decided to come to America about a week ago to visit Ella's family for the summer, so they were gonna stop by the house at some point.

As we finally reached peak altitude, I gave the kids a little snack that I had packed for them, along with their coloring books and crayons. We lectured them on how this wasn't our plane, and how we had to treat it nicely. They were so respectful, even at such a young age.

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