55: First Birthdays & Huge Surprises

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A month later...

"Good morning, birthday girl! Did you get your beauty sleep?" I coo down at Honey as she was doing a big stretch in her crib.

Her whimpering woke me up on the monitor this morning, but she slept in until almost 10am today, aka happy mama I was. I've been sleep-training her and she's been doing really well lately. She only wakes up about once a night, now. 

She still hasn't taken her first steps by herself, but me and Jimin have been helping her, and she's just sooo close.

"Mama, mama," Honey babbles back to me, making me melt as she sits up and suddenly stands to grab onto the side of her crib.

"I can't believe you're already one, sweet girl. You're growing up on mama," I frown, wiping the little sleepies out of her eyes.

Suddenly, her face lights up, and I feel a pair of arms wrap around me; knowing it was Jimin.

"What are my girls up to?" he coos, but makes funny faces at Honey.

He presses his sweatpants-covered bulge into my clothed ass, making my breathing hitch.

"Babe, stop. I just woke up and have morning breath," I complain, holding onto Honey's arms as she bounced up and down in her crib.

"Me, too. Hahhh," he breathes, blowing his morning breath into my neck.

"Omg, you gross piece of-...Tell dada he stinks, peeyew!" I tease to Honey, making her giggle.

Trust me, Jimin's morning breath was nothing to mess with...actually the worse. But I acted like mine was better. This was marriage, and we just didn't care; that was us.

"At least I don't fart all night, like mama," Jimin teases, making me turn around to him and gasp.

"Excuse me, what?" I grit, raising a brow.

"You do. You did a lot when you were pregnant with her, too," he smirks, almost borderline laughing.

"Shut up. You don't know when I fart or go to the bathroom," I scoff, turning back around to see Honey bouncing still.

"Oh, I for sure know when you poop, babe," he mumbles in my ear, snickering.

"No, you don't. You're always in your office. I don't think I've ever gone number two when you were in the room," I argue, just making him chuckle more.

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