25: Getting To Know You & Making It Known

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As I opened my eyes, I didn't know what time of day it was. All of sudden, I felt that I was butt-naked under the covers, causing me to frantically look over to see if Jimin was beside me...but he wasn't. All of the events from earlier today sprinted through my mind, causing my heart to race. 

I don't know why, but I slept so damn good. 

Sitting up in bed against the headboard while covering myself with the duvet, I reached down for my phone to check the time...6:33 pm.

When checking up on some of my social media notifications, I began to smell something really good coming from the kitchen. I instantly smiled, thinking Jimin probably ordered us dinner, and I immediately got hungry.

As I sat my phone back down on the nightstand and was about to get out of bed to put some clothes on, Jimin walked into the room shirtless, in just sweatpants.

"Geez, you scared me," I whisper, placing my hand on my chest.

"Sorry, angel. I'm making you dinner," he coos, walking over towards me.

"W-Why?" I ask shyly, pulling the covers more over my body.

"Because I love you, and I want to," he grumbles cutely, sitting on the side of the bed.

"Y-You didn't have to, but thank you," I murmur, looking down in shyness.

"Did you sleep well, sweetheart?" he asks, causing me to look back up at him.

I just nodded and gave him doe eyes. I don't know why I was suddenly acting so shy toward him. Is it because we just made the best love of our lives, that he was cooking for me, or all of the above?

"Well, that's good; I did, too. But my cum dripped out of you all over my legs and the bed...We're gonna have to change these sheets, kitten," he explains, causing my cheeks to flush a rosy tint.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I-" I apologize in a shaky voice, holding the covers tight over me.

"Never be sorry for making incredible love with me, Y/N," he buds in sharp but soft as he brushes some hair out of my face.

I didn't respond as he lowered his hand out of my hair and cascaded it down my face, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip. I gasped and tilted my head back out of pleasure. I loved his erotic touching; he made me weak, and he knew it.

"I-I should go put some clothes on...Why don't you go make sure you're not burning down the apartment," I ramble, waiting for him to leave so I can get out of bed.

"Okay, go ahead. Get up to change then," he smirks, biting his lip.

"Jimin," I whine shyly, looking away.

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