32: Best Birthday Ever

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A week later...

Waking up to the smell of something sweet and salty, I fluttered my eyes open to see Jimin wasn't next to me in bed. I looked over to the bathroom, but he wasn't in there, either. Wondering where the smell was coming from, I sat up in bed against the headboard...when all of a sudden, Jimin peeked his head into the room.

I gave him a shy smile before he walked in in just his sweatpants...and a full breakfast tray of chocolate-chip pancakes, turkey bacon, and eggs...with a candle lit on top of the pancakes.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to my Princess, Happy Birthday to youuu!" he sings out as he walks over towards the bed and sets the tray down in front of me.

"Baby...how-" I begin to whimper as tears of joy were surfacing.

"Ella told me. She called me off of Tae's phone and told me it was coming up. I didn't wanna miss it, sweetheart," he coos, pinching my toes that were still underneath the covers.

"...Thank you, this means the world to me, Jimin," I whisper, wiping the tears off of my cheeks.

"Anything for my Princess girl. Make a wish, baby, it's gonna burn out," he giggles, biting his lip.

And, I did. I made a wish and blew out the candle, making Jimin take it out of the pancakes and throw it away before coming back and putting the tray on my lap as I scooted back in bed. He smiled and I dug in immediately.

"You want pear juice, honey, or something else?" he asks, about to leave the room for the kitchen.

"Pear juice sounds great, thanks," I smile back shyly.

After about a minute, Jimin came back in and sat the pear juice on my tray before walking around and hopping back in bed with me. I was so content and in awe that he knew it was my birthday because we had never discussed it; only our ages.

"I don't know if anyone ever told you, but you're an amazing cook, babe...and a pretty good singer, too," I mumble, taking a sip of my pear juice.

"You like it? I made all your favorites...and oh, I've been told," he coos, placing his hand on my lap while smirking at me.

"It's amazing. Are you gonna eat, or?" I ask quietly.

"I already ate like half of it when I was making it for you, kitten," he giggles, shaking his head.

"Here, have a biteee," I coo playfully, taking a fork-full of chocolate-chip pancakes and shoving it in his mouth.

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