48: A Holly Jolly Christmas

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A week later...

"Ready, sweetheart?" Jimin coos as I walk down the stairs to meet him and our suitcases at the bottom.

"Yeah," I yawn, trying to keep my eyes open as I rub my bump.

"C'mon, kitten. We'll be there in no time," he smiles, grabbing my hand as we walk to the front door while River took our suitcases to put in the SUV.

"Can we get Starbucks after we get checked-in?" I pout, making him chuckle.

"Of course, whatever you want. I know it's early, but it was the only flight there for Korean Air," he explains as we walk out and he locks the front door.

"It's fine. I'm just so excited for all of this, you're gonna love America," I coo, giving him a shy smile.

"Oh, I've been to America for business, but just never your state," he smiles as we both get in the car.

"Y'all ready?" River asks as we all shut the doors.

"We turned all of the Christmas lights off, candles blown out, all of the doors are locked?" I hastily ask Jimin, making River look back at us for an answer.

"Yes, doll. Plus security and the cameras watch the property at all times...I have an app hooked-up to my phone, it's all good," he replies calmly, rubbing my thigh in comfort.

"Okay...we're ready, River!" I exclaim, making him and Jimin both crack-up at my motherly OCD.

River starts to the Incheon International Airport, because it was finally time to head to America for Christmas time. My mom of course agreed and was over-the-moon excited to see us. My brother was gonna come into town and spend a couple days with us, too. 

It was four days before Christmas, so we would miss most of the crowds, thankfully. Jimin had ordered us first-class tickets, even though I told him we didn't have to for this long of a flight. It would be around a 13-15 hour flight to the East Coast, but Jimin was so excited.

I tried to get good sleep last night, because I knew it would be an early morning, but the baby had other plans. The occasional kicking kept me up all night; I only got little spurts of sleep. Jimin knew, because he tried to cuddle me throughout the night.

He got up at 5am to shower, get ready, and tidy-up the house. I set a 6am alarm, but I didn't get up until almost 6:30, so I had to hurry and shower, just putting on a matching lounge-set to be comfortable for the flight. I put my hair up in a high-bun and did my skincare before spritzing some perfume on. I knew makeup would be out of the question this early.

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