50: We're Having A...

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A month later...

Today was the day of my baby shower and the day we would find out the gender of the little muffin who's been baking inside of me for basically eight months, now. I was beyond thankful that Ella had planned the whole thing, along with help from the boys, Pierre, and Ms. Ann. 

Not only was my mom now in town and coming over today, Mrs. Park was gonna be attending the shower as well. We thought it was only right to invite her...it's her grandchild, too. Plus, I hadn't seen her in months, so I was excited to catch-up.

My shower starts at noon, because it's more of a brunch-style with a neutral aesthetic, like brown teddybear's. I sent Ella some pics from Pinterest and left the rest up to her, so I'm excited to see what she pulled together. 

Jimin just gave her one of his black cards and said have fun; it made me laugh, but he knew how much the baby shower for my first baby meant to me.

And as much as I wanted to get good sleep last night, me and Jimin were up until almost 3am having sex, and the baby decided to start kicking around 7am. I was worn-out, but couldn't get back to sleep. 

I decided to scurry to the bathroom, immediately feeling soreness between my legs. We've had to be so careful lately, but damn he gave it to me sooo good last night. I close the door gently to try not to wake-up Jimin, and turn on the light to go pee.

Because I was feeling gutsy last night, I dressed up in white panties with a matching white lace bra that had sheer tulle hanging down, to tease Jimin a bit. He was going crazy, calling me every nickname in the book. He kept lifting the tulle up to kiss the baby, making me just fall in love with him even more.

After finishing-up, I start brushing my teeth before looking in the mirror to see that I looked like absolute shit. You could tell I only got a few hours of sleep; there were bags under my eyes and my hair was a mess. 

I continue brushing my teeth when Jimin opens the door in just his underwear, making me immediately gasp, putting my hand on my chest in shock.

"Fuck, you scared me. I-I tried not to wake you up," I mumble before spitting out into the sink.

"You flushing the toilet woke me up. Why are you up so early, kitten?" he rasps in his deep morning voice while rubbing his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry...and the baby kicking woke me up. I couldn't get back to sleep," I murmur, looking down at my belly.

He walks over and just straight up pees right in front of me before flushing and coming to wash his hands, looking in the mirror at his swollen eyes. He runs his fingers through his morning bedhead and comes over to hug me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder.

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