24: Can't Hold Back

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After finishing my morning routine, I walked out of the bathroom to see Jimin had already left and was probably in the main part of the penthouse. Taking a deep breath, I opened the bedroom door and walked down the hall to the kitchen.

Putting on a fake smile, I grinned at Ella, who was already staring at me in excitement as she sat on one of the island stools. The boys were making us breakfast...when Jimin gave me a quick loving look.

We didn't even talk about if we would tell Ella and Tae, so I was hoping he didn't tell them yet. We didn't even know for sure if I was even pregnant, anyway; better to keep it a secret until I really knew.

"Look at our handsome boys cooking for us," Ella exclaimed as I took a seat next to her, causing the boys to look up at us, smirking.

"So so cute, we're the luckiest girls on earth," I coo, lightly nudging her shoulder.

The boys chuckled lightly before continuing to flip the pancakes and bacon. Jimin got out plates, cups, and silverware, placing them in front of us girls before giving me sympathetic eyes.

It's like we were communicating in our own language, understanding each other's thoughts. For some reason, I felt like we were closer. That's without knowing the outcome of the pregnancy test.

He told me he would order one today, but I was beyond nervous. What would his true reaction be if I was pregnant? His outburst earlier scared me, but he was acting like an angel right now.

I didn't want Ella or Tae to catch on to the looks we were giving each other...and I was hoping that they didn't hear us yelling at each other this morning; they probably wouldn't say anything to us, anyway. After we all finished eating breakfast, we girls decided to do the dishes since the boys had cooked.

As the boys went to go get Ella and Tae's suitcases in the guest room, Ella pulled me aside while we were by the door. "Girl, are you okay? We heard you guys screaming at each other this morning..." Ella whispers, looking over my shoulder to see if the boys are coming back yet.

"Y-You heard all that?" I stutter, looking down in embarrassment.

"I was about to barge in and check on you, Y/N," she replies, shaking her head.

"I'm fine, don't worry. We've just been a little stressed lately, that's all," I sarcastically laugh, trying to play it off.

"Y/N, I do not like it when he yells at you. I swear I'll fucking kill him," she grits, trying to get her point across.

"Ella, stop," I warn her. "He's fine, he's been getting better. There's a lot that you don't know about him...It's hard to explain."

"Well I wish you would, because I really wanna like him, Y/N, I really do. I want you to be happy," she states, giving me a pleading look.

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