53: Strawberries & Whipped Cream

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Five weeks later...

"My little pookie!...Omg, Y/N, she's stunning," Ella announces when she see's Honey in my arms as her and Taehyung walk through our big front double-doors.

She looks down at her in awe while Tae looked over Ella's shoulder smiling.

"She's sleeping, shhh. I'm glad you guys could make it over for a bit," I coo, shutting the doors behind them.

"Jimin's nose. She's adorable, Y/N," Tae whispers, admiring Honey.

"She is...and such a good girl," I reply softly, looking down at her napping in my arms as we all walked to the living room.

"Where's the rest of the boys?" Tae wonders, sitting down on the couch and crossing his legs.

"They already came and went, a couple of hours ago...They're in love with her," I smile, sitting across from him as Ella sits next to me.

"Lemme guess...Jimin dressed her today?" Tae asks, smirking at us.

"Yep...He got her ready this morning so I could get a little bit more sleep," I coo, looking over at Ella who's now grinning at me.

"Where is he right now?" Ella questions, raising an eyebrow.

"In his office, as usual. If he's not in there, he's at the office in town," I claim, rolling my eyes.

"We've got so much going on in the company, Y/N. We've been growing so much, that we've had to hire-on tons of new people...I'm surprised I even got a couple of hours to spare to come over," Tae explains, making me purse my lips and nod.

"How've you been doing? I know you mentioned breastfeeding has been wearing you out...but he's helping out with her, right?" Ella wonders, giving me a stern look.

"Of course. He helps at night, with bath-time, even in the morning. Mrs. Park watched her the other night, so we actually got to go out on a date," I giggle, looking down at Honey still asleep.

"Well, I'm glad. I know he's busy, but that's good," Ella responds, nodding.

"He's head-over-heels for her...he helps when he can. We're getting the hang of it all," I explain, giving them both a soft smile.

"You know I'm just a phone call away if you need any help," Ella offers.

"I know, thank you...Wanna hold her?" I ask, grinning towards her.

"Is the sky blue? Yes!" she exclaims, making me giggle.

I gently hand her Honey who was still in a deep slumber, and watch my best friend hold my daughter for the first time. It made me tear-up, but that could be my hormones, too. Honey looked adorable in her neutral teddy-set that Jimin had picked out for today's more chilly day.

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