31: Stranger Danger & Office Sex

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After Jimin showed me around his whole building, we finally made it to the top floor; the floor where only his and the boy's offices were. He explained to me how the boys were all leaders of different departments within the company, like marketing, distribution, etc.

When we reached the end of the hall, we were met with tall gray slate double doors that led into Jimin's office.

Walking in, I almost mistook it for a penthouse apartment. His office had floor-to-ceiling windows, a huge desk, leather chairs, and minimalistic finishes throughout. After closing the door, he went to sit at his desk, turning on his PC to get some work done.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, is it down-"

"Yep. It's down the hall to the left, you'll see it," he responds, glancing at me.

"Okay, be right back," I whisper, opening his doors to walk out.

"Okay, love," he coos, getting back to his work.

I headed down the hall and took a left, like Jimin said. Finally finding the bathroom, I headed in and did my business before washing my hands and exiting the lavish restroom. Letting out a yawn, I thought about how I was craving some sort of caffeine. 

I knew I'd seen a little tea café in the lobby of Jimin's building, so I decided to walk down the hall to the elevators before getting on. I would be quick, anyway; it was right downstairs.

After getting off of the elevator and walking into the huge lobby, I walked over to the tea spot and ordered a citrus iced tea. The staff there were super nice and the tea was hitting the spot. 

As I was walking back through the lobby to reach the other side to get back to the elevators, a stronger-looking tatted-up man caught my eye. I gulped and looked over to see...Aiden...just sitting at a table with his gang from the club, staring straight at me.

I instantly panicked, my heart beating at an abnormal level. I fast-walked over to the elevators and pressed the up button before looking back to see if they were following me. Luckily, they weren't, but they were still giving me intimidating stares from a distance, freaking me out. 

I knew they knew who I was, but thankfully, the elevator dinged and opened, so I scurried in fast before pressing the top floor button.

As the elevators opened to the top floor, I walked past the front desk guy and security guard before nodding at them. Jimin had it super secure up here, I mean...he kind of had to. After knocking, I opened the door and closed it behind me softly.

"Where the hell were you?" Jimin hisses, making me turn around and gulp.

"After I was done, I-I went to go get a tea," I respond shyly, knowing I was in deep shit.

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