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"I didn't know you were keeping it." My mom smiled, gently rubbing her hand on my tiny belly bump. "I thought you were goin to Dr. Perez to get rid of it.."

Two months ago, when we first found out I was pregnant and knew that I was too far along to get a proper abortion, we decided I was going to see Dr. Perez.

He was one of those doctors that did illegal dealings on the low. If you wanted a BBL for the cheap, he had you, If you wanted a new face, he had you, and if you wanted that baby gone, he most definitely had you, but there was always a payment.

"No, I kept it." I shrugged my shoulders, seeing my dad walk into their shaggy home with a black eye. "What happened to you?"

He slammed the front door, accidentally breaking the handle off, then paused to see that a hole was left.

"Tried to have a talk with Kilo, it ain't end well." He pulled a chair up beside mom before poking his finger on my belly. "You know he's built different! A fuckin' idiot he is. I told him give me some more time to pay the rest of what I owe him, and PLOW - he punched me straight in the face!"

My brows rose a little, in shock, as he continued explaining to us what had happened.

"He said I got two days. How am I supposed to come up with five hundred more fuckin' dollars in TWO days! Ain't no jobs round here, and no offense to you my darling, but no man wants to marry a woman with a child, so it's not like there's much you can do either."

I could see sadness grow on my mothers face. "I don't want them hurting you any worse then what they've done. I have already asked my brother for money but he has refused.."

"You asked ANTONIO?" Dad almost screamed, but calmed himself down with a quick breather. "Amaya.. I told you stop asking your selfish family for help! All they're going to do is parade on our hurt."

Antonio was one of the many uncles that I had. He use to be my favorite, but we hadn't spoken in years since Yasmine left.

He would always argue with my mom about leaving my dad, but she was always too in love and had already invested two children into their relationship.

Antonio was always blunt. He never cared if there were children in the house or not, and he even told me and Yasmine that our dad was fishy and would do anything to make sure his pockets were full.

The last day I saw my uncle, when my mom finally cut him off to follow our dads wishes, he pulled me aside and told me to run. To get the hell up out that house and if I ever need help then he'll be there.

I didn't need help though.

Momma rubbed the back of her neck nervously, pulling on small strands. "I know my love, I just want us to get help before we loose everything. You already lost your car and we can't let them take this house eith-"

"Wait what?" I interfered. This was new news to me. "You lost your car?"

He nodded his head in shame, as if he didn't want me to know that this had happened. "I been walking every damn day. Those people towed my car when I missed that payment. And now.. now I have to pay that street nigga back before his people catch me out on these streets. It's been bad Isis, it's been real bad."

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